2023-07-04 03:54:09 -05:00

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<html> <head> </head> {:/nomarkdown} # Spell List



― Alteration ―





Fire Shield

This effect does two things. First, it provides M points of reduction to fire damage. Second, enemies who successfully hit the caster with a melee attack take M points of fire damage.

  • Fire Barrier (2)
    • 1d8 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Fire Shield (6)
    • 1d20 + 2 pts for 10 turns on Self

Frost Shield

This effect does two things. First, it provides M points of reduction to frost damage. Second, enemies who successfully hit the caster with a melee attack take M points of frost damage.

  • Frost Barrier (2)
    • 1d8 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Frost Shield (6)
    • 1d20 + 2 pts for 10 turns on Self


This effect provides M feet of additional jump height.

  • Tinur's Hoptoad (3)
    • 30ft for 2 turns on Self


This effect provides M feet of additional fly speed.

  • Strong Levitate (3)
    • 30ft for 2 turns on Self
  • Levitate (3)
    • 10ft for 6 turns on Self

Lightning Shield

This effect does two things. First, it provides M points of reduction to shock damage. Second, enemies who successfully hit the caster with a melee attack take M points of shock damage.

  • Shock Barrier (2)
    • 1d8 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Lightning Shield (6)
    • 1d20 + 2 pts for 10 turns on Self


This effect locks a container or door for M points.

  • Fenrick's Doorjam (1)
    • 15 pts on Touch


This effect opens a locked container or door up to M points.

  • Ondusi's Open Door (2)
    • 10 pts on Touch
  • Open (1)
    • 5 pts on Touch
  • Wild Open (2)
    • 1d20 pts on Touch


This effect provides additional M points of armor.

  • First Barrier (2)
    • 6 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Second Barrier (4)
    • 12 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Third Barrier (6)
    • 18 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Fourth Barrier (8)
    • 24 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Fifth Barrier (10)
    • 30 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Sixth Barrier (12)
    • 36 pts for 10 turns on Self


This effect reduces damage taken from falling up to M points.

  • Slowfall (3)
    • 30 pts for 2 turns on Self

Swift Swim

This effect provides an additional M feet of swim speed.

  • Swimmer's Blessing (2)
    • 30ft for 10 turns on Self

Water Breathing

This effect allows water breathing. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Water Breathing (1)
    • 10 turns on Self
  • Vivec's Kiss (2)
    • 20 turns on Self

Water Walking

This effect allows water walking. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Water Walking (2)
    • 20 turns on Self

― Conjuration ―

Bound X

This effect equips the target with summoned item X, and fortifies the governing skill of the item for 2 points. The bound item disappears if the target dies or falls unconscious. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Bound Battle Axe (2)
    • Bound Battle Axe for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Boots (2)
    • Bound Boots for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Cuirass (2)
    • Bound Cuirass for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Dagger (2)
    • Bound Dagger for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Gauntlets (2)
    • Bound Gauntlets for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Greaves (2)
    • Bound Greaves for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Helm (2)
    • Bound Helm for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Longbow (2)
    • Bound Longbow for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Longsword (2)
    • Bound Longsword for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Mace (2)
    • Bound Mace for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Shield (2)
    • Bound Shield for 12 turns on Self
  • Bound Spear (2)
    • Bound Spear for 12 turns on Self

Command Creature

This effect causes a target up to level M to become hostile to anything the caster is hostile towards and prevents them from taking hostile actions against the caster for D turns. All creatures are affected, humanoids are not affected.

  • Command Creature (2)
    • Command Creature up to lvl 8 for 5 turns on Touch

Summon X

This effect summons X who will fight for the target unless X is attacked by the target. Only one of a creature may be summoned at once. The summoned creature disappears if the target dies or falls unconscious. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Summon Mudcrab (petty, 1) (4)
    • Summon Mudcrab for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Skeleton (petty, 1) (4)
    • Summon Skeleton for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Scamp (lesser, 1) (8)
    • Summon Scamp for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Zombie (lesser, 1) (8)
    • Summon Zombie for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Bone Walker (common, 3) (12)
    • Summon Bone Walker for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Dreugh (common, 3) (12)
    • Summon Dreugh for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Flame Atronach (common, 4) (16)
    • Summon Flame Atronach for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Ancestor Ghost (common, 4) (16)
    • Summon Ancestor Ghost for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Frost Atronach (greater, 5) (20)
    • Summon Frost Atronach for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Skeleton Champion (greater, 5) (20)
    • Summon Skeleton Champion for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Storm Atronach (greater, 6) (24)
    • Summon Storm Atronach for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Wispmother (greater, 6) (24)
    • Summon Wispmother for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Dremora Lord (grand, 7) (28)
    • Summon Dremora Lord for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Greater Ancestor Ghost (grand, 7) (28)
    • Summon Greater Ancestor Ghost for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Hunger (grand, 9) (36)
    • Summon Hunger for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Winged Twilight (grand, 10) (40)
    • Summon Winged Twilight for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Lich (grand, 10) (40)
    • Summon Lich for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Ancestor Guardian (grand, 10) (40)
    • Summon Ancestor Guardian for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Golden Saint (grand, 14) (56)
    • Summon Golden Saint for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Dragon (divine, 40) (160)
    • Summon Dragon for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Ideal Master (divine, 50) (200)
    • Summon Ideal Master for 8 turns on Self
  • Summon Dagon Bad Idea (divine, 666) (2664)
    • Summon Dagon for 8 turns on Self

Turn Undead

This effect causes an undead target up to level M to flee. Targets other than undead are not affected.

  • Holy Word (2)
    • Turn Undead up to lvl 8 for 4 turns on Target
  • Holy Touch (2)
    • Turn Undead up to lvl 8 for 5 turns on Touch
  • Saintly Word (6)
    • Turn Undead up to lvl 24 for 4 turns on Target
  • Saintly Touch (6)
    • Turn Undead up to lvl 24 for 5 turns on Touch

― Destruction ―

Damage Attribute

This effect damages a target's current attribute value for M points. A restore attribute effect is required to restore this damage.

  • Clench (8)
    • Damage Speed 1d6 + 2 pts on Touch
  • Emasculate (8)
    • Damage Endurance 1d6 + 2 pts on Touch
  • Evil Eye (8)
    • Damage Personality 1d6 + 2 pts on Touch
  • Fuddle (8)
    • Damage Intelligence 1d6 + 2 pts on Touch
  • Stumble (8)
    • Damage Agility 1d6 + 2 pts on Touch
  • Woe (8)
    • Damage Willpower 1d6 + 2 pts on Touch

Damage Fatigue

This effect damages a target's current fatigue value for M points.

  • Doze (2)
    • 1d10 pts on Touch
  • Hornhand (4)
    • 1d12 + 4 pts on Touch

Damage Health

This effect deals M points of non-elemental damage to the target.

  • Spirit Knife (1)
    • 1d10 pts on Touch
  • Heartbite (4)
    • 1d20 + 10 pts on Touch

Damage Magicka

This effect deals M points of magicka damage to the target.

  • Soulpinch (2)
    • 1d6 + 2 pts on Touch

Damage Skill

This effect damages a target's current skill for M points. A restore skill effect is required to restore this damage.

Drain Attribute

This effect reduces the target's attribute value by M points for D turns. The target regains lost points when the effect ends.

  • Clumsy Touch (2)
    • Drain Agility 1d4 pts for 10 turns on Touch
  • Distraction (2)
    • Drain Intelligence 1d4 pts for 10 turns on Touch
  • Enervate (2)
    • Drain Endurance 1d4 pts for 10 turns on Touch
  • Spite (2)
    • Drain Personality 1d4 pts for 10 turns on Touch
  • Temptation (2)
    • Drain Willpower 1d4 pts for 10 turns on Touch
  • Torpor (2)
    • Drain Speed 1d4 pts for 10 turns on Touch

Drain Fatigue

This effect reduces the target's current fatigue by M points for D turns. The target regains lost points when the effect ends.

  • Sleep (3)
    • Drain Fatigue 1d6 + 3 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Ordeal of St. Olms (9)
    • Drain Fatigue 1d6 + 6 pts for 10 turns on Touch

Drain Health

This effect reduces the target's current health by M points for D turns. The target regains lost points when the effect ends.

  • Drain Blood (8)
    • Drain Health 2d8 pts for 5 turns on Touch
    • Drain Magicka 2d8 pts for 5 turns on Touch

Drain Magicka

This effect reduces the target's current magicka by M points for D turns. The target regains lost points when the effect ends.

  • Gash Spirit (6)
    • 2d8 + 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Drain Blood (8)
    • Drain Health 2d8 pts for 5 turns on Touch
    • Drain Magicka 2d8 pts for 5 turns on Touch

Drain Skill

This effect reduces the target's current skill by M points for D turns. The target regains lost points when the effect ends.

  • Drain Destruction (6)
    • Drain Destruction 1d8 + 2 pts for 8 turns on Target
  • Scourge Blade (6)
    • Drain Short Blade 1d8 + 2 pts for 4 turns on Target
    • Drain Long Blade 1d8 + 2 pts for 4 turns on Target

Disintegrate Armor


Disintegrate Weapon


Fire Damage

This effect deals M points of fire damage to the target.

  • Fire Bite (1)
    • 1d10 + 5 pts on Touch
  • Greater Fireball (2)
    • 1d6 + 3 pts in 10ft on Target
  • Fire Storm (5)
    • 2d6 pts for 5 turns in 10ft on Target
  • God's Fire (10)
    • 1d20 + 4 pts for 5 turns in 10ft on Target

Frost Damage

This effect deals M points of frost damage to the target.

  • Frostbite (1)
    • 1d10 + 5 pts on Touch
  • Greater Frostball (2)
    • 1d6 + 3 pts in 10ft on Target
  • Frost Storm (5)
    • 2d6 pts for 5 turns in 10ft on Target
  • God's Frost (10)
    • 1d20 + 4 pts for 5 turns in 10ft on Target


This effect deals M points of poison damage to the target.

  • Poisonous Touch (1)
    • 2d8 + 2 pts on Touch
  • Toxic Cloud (5)
    • 1d6 + 3 for 5 turns in 10ft on Target

Shock Damage

This effect deals M points of poison damage to the target.

  • Shock (1)
    • 1d10 + 5 pts on Touch
  • Spark (2)
    • 2d10 + 6 pts on Target
  • Greater Shockball (2)
    • 1d10 + 6 pts in 5ft on Target
  • Chain Lightning (4)
    • 2d12 pts in 20ft on Target
  • Lightning Storm (5)
    • 2d6 pts for 5 turns in 10ft on Target

Weakness to Disease

This effect increases the DC of Resist Disease checks by the target by M points for D turns. The base Resist Disease DC is 21, on a failed check the resister contracts the disease.

  • Weakness to Disease (2)
    • 4 pts (20%) for 2 turns on Target

Weakness to Fire

This effect reduces the target's resistance to fire by M*5% points. With negative resistance, additional damage is dealt, 100% Weakness providing double damage.

  • Dire Weakness to Fire (5)
    • 10 pts (50%) for 2 turns on Target

Weakness to Frost

This effect reduces the target's resistance to frost by M*5% points. With negative resistance, additional damage is dealt, 100% Weakness providing double damage.

  • Dire Weakness to Frost (5)
    • 10 pts (50%) for 2 turns on Target

Weakness to Magicka

This effect reduces the target's resistance to negative effects by M*5% points. With negative resistance, additional magnitude is experienced, 100% Weakness providing doubled effects. This effect does not affect the damage taken from elemental spells, the duration of any effect, nor make a difference to effects with a locked magnitude of 1, such as Paralyze.

  • Dire Weakness to Magicka (5)
    • 10 pts (50%) for 2 turns on Target

Weakness to Poison

This effect reduces the target's resistance to poison by M*5% points. With negative resistance, additional damage is dealt, 100% Weakness providing double damage.

  • Dire Weakness to Poison (5)
    • 10 pts (50%) for 2 turns on Target

Weakness to Shock

This effect reduces the target's resistance to shock by M*5% points. With negative resistance, additional damage is dealt, 100% Weakness providing double damage.

  • Dire Weakness to Shock (5)
    • 10 pts (50%) for 2 turns on Target

― Illusion ―


This effect adds M points to the DC of any attack checks and reduces perception for the target by M points for D turns.

  • Crying Eye (1)
    • 1d12 + 2 for 2 turns on Target
  • Alad's Caliginy (3)
    • 1d20 + 2 for 4 turns on Target


This effect causes a target up to level M to stop moving and prevents them from taking hostile actions against the caster for D turns. All creatures and humanoids are affected.

  • Calming Touch (2)
    • Calm up to lvl 8 for 5 turns on Touch


This effect adds M points to the DC of any check made to perceive the target for D turns.

  • Chameleon (2)
    • 1d10 + 3 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Shadowmask (5)
    • 20 pts for 5 turns on Self


This effect causes a target up to level M to become hostile to anything the caster is hostile towards and prevents them from taking hostile actions against the caster for D turns. All humanoids are affected, creatures are not affected, including undead and daedra.

  • Charming Touch (4)
    • Charm up to lvl 8 for 5 turns on Touch


This effect causes a target up to level M to flee for D turns. All creatures and humanoids besides undead are affected.

  • Demoralizing Touch (2)
    • Demoralize up to lvl 8 for 5 turns on Touch


**This effect causes a target up to level M to become hostile to all other creatures and humanoids for D turns. All humanoids are affected, but creatures, including undead and daedra, are not affected. **

  • Frenzying Touch (2)
    • Frenzy up to lvl 8 for 5 turns on Touch


This effect causes any checks made to perceive the target to fail for D turns. The effect ends after the target takes any action.

  • Brevusa's Averted Eyes (2)
    • Invisibility 2 turns on Self
  • Concealment (16)
    • Invisibility 8 turns on Self


This effect fills the affected area A with a daylight light level for D turns. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Light (1)
    • Light 80ft for 80 turns on Target


This effect allows the target to see in low light conditions as if they are daylight for D turns. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Night-Eye (1)
    • Night-Eye 30 turns on Self


This effect prevents the target from taking any actions or moving for D turns. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Medusa's Gaze (5)
    • Paralyze 2 turns on Target


**This effect prevents a target up to level M from fleeing for D turns. All humanoids are affected, but creatures, including undead and daedra, are not affected. **

  • Rallying Touch (1)
    • Rally up to lvl 12 for 5 turns on Touch


This effect adds M points to the DC of any attack check made to hit the target for D turns.

  • Sanctuary (1)
    • Sanctuary 1d4 + 2 pts for 5 turns on Self


This effect prevents the target from casting spells for D turns. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Silence (5)
    • Silence 4 turns on Target


This effect adds M points to the DC of any casting checks for the target for D turns.

  • Cruel Noise (2)
    • 1d8 + 4 for 4 turns on Target
  • Dire Noise (4)
    • 1d20 + 6 for 4 turns on Target

― Mysticism ―

Absorb Attribute

This effect reduces the current attribute of the target by M points and increases the caster's attribute by the same amount for D turns. When the effect ends, the target regains the lost points and the caster loses gained points.

  • Absorb Agility (3)
    • Absorb Agility 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Absorb Endurance (3)
    • Absorb Endurance 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Absorb Intelligence (3)
    • Absorb Intelligence 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Absorb Personality (3)
    • Absorb Personality 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Absorb Speed (3)
    • Absorb Speed 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Absorb Strength (3)
    • Absorb Strength 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch
  • Absorb Willpower (3)
    • Absorb Willpower 4 pts for 5 turns on Touch

Absorb Fatigue

This effect reduces the current fatigue of the target by M points and increases the caster's current fatigue by the same amount, up to the caster's max value.

  • Energy Leech (3)
    • Absorb Fatigue 1d8 pts for 5 turns on Touch

Absorb Health

This effect reduces the current health of the target by M points and increases the caster's current health by the same amount, up to the caster's max value.

  • Righteousness (1)
    • Absorb Health 1d4 + 2 pts on Touch

Absorb Skill

This effect reduces the current skill of the target by M points and increases the caster's skill by the same amount for D turns. When the effect ends, the target regains the lost points and the caster loses gained points.

Almsivi Intervention

This effect teleports the target to the nearest Tribunal temple instantly. Duration and Magnitude are always 1.

  • Almsivi Intervention (2)
    • Almsivi Intervention on Self
  • Mass Almsivi Intervention (7)
    • Almsivi Intervention in 5ft on Self

Detect Life

This effect allows the target to see any living beings out to M feet, through obstacles and ignoring any stealth, for D turns.

  • Detect Life (2)
    • Detect Life 60 pts (60ft) for 2 turns on Self

Detect Magic

This effect allows the target to see any magic items out to M feet, through obstacles, for D turns. This effect includes undead creatures, summoned creatures, and Dwemer constructs.

  • Detect Magic (2)
    • Detect Magic 60 pts (60ft) for 2 turns on Self


This effect removes the effects of any magic currently affecting the target up to M points. Poison, Disease, and Paralysis are unaffected.

  • Purge Magic (1)
    • Dispel 10 pts on Self
  • Dispel (5)
    • Dispel 50 pts on Self

Divine Intervention

This effect teleports the target to the nearest Imperial shrine instantly. Duration and Magnitude are always 1.

  • Divine Intervention (2)
    • Divine Intervention on Self
  • Mass Divine Intervention (7)
    • Divine Intervention in 5ft on Self


This effect sets the target's Mark point to their current location. Duration and Magnitude are always 1.

  • Mark (4)
    • Mark on Self


This effect teleports the target to the caster's Mark point instantly. Duration and Magnitude are always 1.

  • Recall (4)
    • Recall on Self
  • Mass Recall (9)
    • Recall in 5ft on Self


This effect reduces the DC of Reflect checks by the target by M points for D turns. The base Reflect DC is 21, on a successful check, an effect targeting the reflecter is applied back to the caster.

  • Reflect (2)
    • 6 pts for 2 turns on Self
  • Shalidor's Mirror (20)
    • 20 pts for 6 turns on Self


This effect causes the target to become soul trapped by the caster on death, provided the caster has a soul gem large enough to fit the target's soul, for D turns. Magnitude is always 1.

  • Soul Trap (1)
    • 5 turns on Touch

Spell Absorption

This effect reduces the DC of Absorb checks by the target by M points for D turns. The base Absorb DC is 21, on a successful check, the absorber does not experience the effect and gains current magicka points equal to those used to cast the effect, up to the absorber's max magicka.

  • Wild Spelldrinker (2)
    • 1d12 pts for 2 turns on Self
  • Tranasa's Spelltrap (10)
    • 10 pts for 6 turns on Self


This effect allows the target to interact with objects out to M feet for D turns.

  • Telekinesis (1)
    • 20 pts (20ft) for 3 turns on Self

― Restoration ―

Cure Disease

This effect removes any disease affecting the target. Duration and Magnitude are always 1.

  • Rilm's Gift (3)
    • Cure Disease on Touch
  • Rilm's Cure (3)
    • Cure Disease on Self

Cure Paralysis

This effect removes any Paralysis affecting the target. Duration and Magnitude are always 1.

  • Cure Paralysis (1)
    • Cure Paralysis on Touch

Cure Poison

This effect removes any Poison affecting the target. Duration and Magnitude are always 1.

  • Balyna's Antidote (1)
    • Cure Poison on Self
  • Seryn's Gift (1)
    • Cure Poison on Touch

Fortify Attribute

This effect increases the target's attribute by M points for D turns. The attribute is restored when the effect ends.

  • Charisma (2)
    • Fortify Personality 1d6 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Fortitude (2)
    • Fortify Endurance 1d6 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Iron Will (2)
    • Fortify Willpower 1d6 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Nimbleness (2)
    • Fortify Agility 1d6 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Quicksilver (2)
    • Fortify Speed 1d6 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Troll Strength (2)
    • Fortify Strength 1d6 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Wisdom (2)
    • Fortify Intelligence 1d6 pts for 10 turns on Self

Fortify Attack

This effect removes M points to the DC of any attack checks made by the target for D turns.

Fortify Fatigue

This effect increases the target's current fatigue by M points for D turns. After the effect ends, the target's current fatigue is restored to its former value, minus any lost while the effect was active.

  • Vigor (1)
    • Fortify Fatigue 1d8 + 2 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Daedric Fatigue (5)
    • Fortify Fatigue 1d20 + 8 pts for 10 turns on Self

Fortify Health

This effect increases the target's current health by M points for D turns. After the effect ends, the target's current health is restored to its former value, minus any lost while the effect was active, to a minimum of 1.

  • Vitality (2)
    • Fortify Health 2d12 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Blood Gift (4)
    • Fortify Health 2d20 + 4 pts for 10 turns on Self
  • Daedric Health (6)
    • Fortify Health 3d20 + 6 pts for 10 turns on Self

Fortify Magicka

This effect increases the target's current magicka by M points for D turns. After the effect ends, the target's current magicka is restored to its former value, minus any lost while the effect was active.

  • Powerwell (4)
    • Fortify Magicka 2d12 pts for 5 turns on Self

Fortify Skill

This effect increases the target's skill by M points for D turns. The skill is restored when the effect ends.

  • Masterful Fluid Evasion (2)
    • Fortify Unarmored 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Masterful Golden Wisdom
    • Fortify Alteration 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Masterful Green Wisdom
    • Fortify Restoration 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Masterful Red Wisdom
    • Fortify Destruction 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Masterful Silver Wisdom
    • Fortify Illusion 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Masterful Sublime Wisdom
    • Fortify Alchemy 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Masterful Transcendant Wisdom
    • Fortify Conjuration 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Masterful Unseen Wisdom
    • Fortify Mysticism 2d6 pts for 5 turns on Self

Resist Disease

This effect reduces the DC of Resist Disease checks by the target by M points for D turns. The base Resist Disease DC is 21, on a failed check the resister contracts the disease.

  • Seryn's Blessing (3)
    • Resist Disease 9 pts for 10 turns on Self

Resist Fire

This effect increases the target's resistance to fire by M*5% points. With positive resistance, damage is reduced, 100% Resistance providing immunity to the damage.

  • Resist Fire (1)
    • Resist Fire 1d12 pts (5%-60%) for 5 turns on Self
  • Flameguard (3)
    • Resist Fire 1d10 + 4 pts (25%-70%) for 10 turns on Self

Resist Frost

This effect increases the target's resistance to frost by M*5% points. With positive resistance, damage is reduced, 100% Resistance providing immunity to the damage.

  • Resist Frost (1)
    • Resist Frost 1d12 pts (5%-60%) for 5 turns on Self
  • Frostguard (3)
    • Resist Frost 1d10 + 4 pts (25%-70%) for 10 turns on Self

Resist Magicka

This effect increases the target's resistance to negative effects by M*5% points. With positive resistance, effect magnitude is reduced, 100% Resistance providing immunity to the effect.

  • Resist Magicka (1)
    • Resist Magicka 1d12 pts (5%-60%) for 5 turns on Self
  • Magickguard (3)
    • Resist Magicka 1d10 + 4 pts (25%-70%) for 10 turns on Self

Resist Paralysis

This effect reduces the DC of Resist Paralysis checks by the target by M points for D turns. The base Resist Paralysis DC is 21, on a failed check the Paralysis effect is applied.

  • Resist Paralysis (3)
    • Resist Paralysis 15 pts for 6 turns on Self

Resist Poison

This effect increases the target's resistance to poison by M*5% points. With positive resistance, damage is reduced, 100% Resistance providing immunity to the damage.

  • Resist Poison (1)
    • Resist Poison 1d12 pts (5%-60%) for 5 turns on Self
  • Poisonguard (3)
    • Resist Poison 1d10 + 4 pts (25%-70%) for 10 turns on Self

Resist Shock

This effect increases the target's resistance to shock by M*5% points. With positive resistance, damage is reduced, 100% Resistance providing immunity to the damage.

  • Resist Shock (1)
    • Resist Shock 1d12 pts (5%-60%) for 5 turns on Self
  • Shockguard (3)
    • Resist Shock 1d10 + 4 pts (25%-70%) for 10 turns on Self

Restore Attribute

This effect removes M points of damage currently affecting the target's attribute.

  • Restore Agility (1)
    • Restore Agility 1d10 pts on Self
  • Restore Endurance (1)
    • Restore Endurance 1d10 pts on Self
  • Restore Intelligence (1)
    • Restore Intelligence 1d10 pts on Self
  • Restore Personality (1)
    • Restore Personality 1d10 pts on Self
  • Restore Speed (1)
    • Restore Speed 1d10 pts on Self
  • Restore Strength (1)
    • Restore Strength 1d10 pts on Self
  • Restore Willpower (1)
    • Restore Willpower 1d10 pts on Self

Restore Fatigue

This effect increases the target's current fatigue by M points, up to max fatigue.

  • Rest of St. Merris (2)
    • Restore Fatigue 1d4 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Stamina (3)
    • Restore Fatigue 1d6 pts for 5 turns on Self

Restore Health

This effect increases the target's current health by M points, up to max health.

  • Hearth Heal (1)
    • Restore Health 1d10 + 5 pts on Self
  • Regenerate (1)
    • Restore Health 1d4 pts for 5 turns on Self
  • Heal Major Wounds (3)
    • Restore Health 4d10 + 10 pts on Self
  • Convalescence (1)
    • Restore Health 1d8 + 6 pts on Touch
  • Greater Convalescence (3)
    • Restore Health 3d20 pts on Touch

Restore Skill

This effect removes M points of damage currently affecting the target's skill.

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