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<html> <head> </head> {:/nomarkdown} # TES TTRPG


Spell List

Spell Effects


Character Sheet (ODT) Character Sheet (PDF)


Creating a Character


Skills & Attributes



Non-Magic Combat

Playing the Game


Reference Tables

Creating a Character

A basic character consists of a Race, Class, and Birthsign. Race provides your base Attribute scores, some starting Skill bonuses, and one or more Racial Abilities.

Your Class will give your character focus and improve your Skills in what you pick.

Your Birthsign gives another bonus to your character, and range from simple boosts to choices that will change how you play a character massively.


The first part of your class is your Specialization. This is chosen from Combat, Magic, and Stealth. For all Skills within your Specialization, your starting value is increased by one.

  • Combat: Athletics, Axe, Block, Blunt Weapon, Crafting, Hand-to-hand, Heavy Armor, Long Blade, Spear, Throwing

  • Stealth: Acrobatics, Marksman, Sneak, Short Blade, Light Armor, Perception, Deception, Streetwise, Speechcraft, Security, Survival

  • Magic: Unarmored, Conjuration, Illusion, Lore, Alchemy, Enchant, Mysticism, Alteration, Destruction, Restoration

Next, your Favored Attribute. Pick one Favored Attribute, for this your starting value is increased by 2.

Finally, your Major Skills. Pick 4 Major Skills, for these your starting value is increased by 5.

(Todo: Affect experience?)


Your Birthsign can have a range of effects on your character, from trivial to severe.

The Guardians

The Warrior

  • Ability: Wayward
    • Fortify Attack 2 pts

The Mage

  • Ability: Fay
    • Fortify Maximum Magicka 0.5x Intelligence

The Thief

  • Ability: Akaviri Danger-sense
    • Sanctuary 2 pts

The Serpent

The Serpent

  • Spell: Star Curse
    • Poison 3 pts for 5 turns on Touch
    • Damage Health 1 pts for 5 turns on Self

The Charges

The Lady

  • Ability: Lady's Favor
    • Fortify Personality 1 pts
  • Ability: Lady's Grace
    • Fortify Endurance 1 pts

The Steed

  • Ability: Charioteer
    • Fortify Speed 2 pts

The Lord

  • Spell: Blood of the North
    • Restore Health 3d6 pts for 4 turns on Self (Cost 1)
  • Ability: Trollkin
    • Weakness to Fire 25%

The Apprentice

  • Ability: Elfborn
    • Fortify Maximum Magicka 1.5x Intelligence
    • Weakness to Magicka 50%

The Atronach

  • Ability: Wombburn
    • Spell Absorption 10 pts
    • Fortify Maximum Magicka 2x Intelligence
    • Stunted Magicka (Magicka does not regenerate naturally)

The Ritual

  • Spell: Blessed Word
    • Turn Undead up to level 25 for 5 turns on Target (Cost 1)
  • Spell: Blessed Touch
    • Turn Undead up to level 25 for 5 turns on Touch (Cost 1)
  • Greater Power: Mara's Gift
    • Restore Health 80 pts on Self

The Lover

  • Ability: Mooncalf
    • Fortify Agility 1 pts
  • Greater Power: Lover's Kiss
    • Paralyze 10 turns on Target
    • Damage Fatigue 10 pts on Self

The Shadow

  • Greater Power: Moonshadow
    • Invisibility 10 turns on Self

The Tower

  • Spell: Beggar's Nose
    • Detect Life & Magic for 10 turns in 200 ft on Self (Cost 1)
  • Greater Power: Tower Key
    • Open 10 pts on Touch



Your Base Health value is your Endurance value times 4. When you gain a level, you gain Endurance on 2 Base Health.

Your Health regenerates at a rate of Endurance pts per Hour.


Your Maximum Magicka is determined by your Intelligence, plus any Birthsign or Racial effects.

Your Magicka regenerates at a rate of Willpower on 4 pts per Hour.


Your Maximum Fatigue is based in many stats. Is is Strength on 4, Willpower on 4, Agility on 4, Endurance on 4, all added.

Your Fatigue regenerates at a rate of Endurance on 4 pts per Turn.

Skills & Attributes


Strength Affects maximum Fatigue (and the damage done by weapons?)

Intelligence Affects total Magicka, and Alchemy and Enchating results

Willpower Affects the rate Magicka regenerates, Spell cast success rate, and maximum Fatigue

Agility Affects evasion, success rate of Sneaking, Pickpocketing, and Lockpicking, and maximum Fatigue

Speed Affects movement speed and combat order

Endurance Affects base health, heath gained on level up, health regeneration, Fatigue regeneration, and maximum Fatigue

Personality Affects success rate of Speechcraft and Deception


Heavy Armor governs the use of Heavy Armors

Spear governs the use of spears

Throwing governs the use of thrown weapons, like darts, throwing stars, and javelins

Axe governs the use of axes, both war axes and battle axes

Blunt Weapon governs the use of blunt weapons, like clubs, staves, and warhammers

Long Blade governs the use of long blade weapons, one-handed (longswords, broadswords) and two-handed (claymores, katana)

Acrobatics governs how far you can jump, along with other feats of acrobatics

Block governs how effective you are at using shields

Hand-to-hand governs how effective you are at fighting without any weapon

Marksman governs the use of bows, both normal bows and crossbows

Sneak governs your stealth, along with pickpocketing

Athletics affects how quickly you can run and stay running, and other athletic feats

Short Blade governs the use of short bladed weapons, like daggers, shortswords, and wakizashi

Light Armor governs the use of light armors

Unarmored governs how effective you are without wearning any armor

Deception governs how adept you are at lying or otherwise decieving others, and how well you can spot others doing the same

Speechcraft affects how well you can persuade, rouse, or otherwise sway others, including haggling

Conjuration The spell effects of the College of Conjuration include the mental domination of mundane and magical creatures, summoning of otherworldly weapons and armor, and summoning of Daedric or undead servants and powers to serve and protect the caster (TODO: rewrite not from UESP)

Illusion The effects of the College of Illusion spells alter the perceptions and thoughts of living beings. Illusion effects include blindness, illumination, paralysis, silence, calmness, enragement, charm, distract, camouflage, and invisibility (TODO: rewrite not from UESP)

Security governs lockpicking and less reputable knowledge

Alchemy governs the creation of potions

Enchant governs the creation and use of magical items

Mysticism The spells of the College of Mysticism shape and focus otherworldly forces to bind souls in gems, teleport the caster's body, manipulate the world with telekinesis, absorb or reflect magical energies, and sense unseen objects at a distance (TODO: rewrite not from UESP)

Survival affects how well you can survive in the wilderness

Alteration Students of the College of Alteration manipulate the physical world and its natural properties. Alteration effects include water breathing and walking, jumping, levitating, burdening, opening and locking, and creating shield barriers against physical and elemental damage

Destruction The Destruction skill is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Destruction. Their spells harm living and unliving things, and include elemental damage, draining, damaging, vulnerability, and disintegration magical effects (TODO: rewrite not from UESP)

Restoration Adepts of the College of Restoration heal, restore, and fortify the body's attributes and abilities, cure disease, and protect it from other malign influences. Restoration spells can also augment strength, endurance, intelligence, agility, and other bodily attributes (TODO: rewrite not from UESP)

Skill Table

Attribute Skill
Endurance Heavy Armor Spear Hand-to-hand Block Survival
Strength Axe Blunt Weapon Long Blade Crafting Acrobatics
Agility Throwing Sneak Security Streetwise Marksman
Speed Athletics Short Blade Light Armor Unarmored
Personality Deception Speechcraft Conjuration Illusion
Intelligence Alchemy Enchant Mysticism Lore
Willpower Alteration Destruction Restoration Perception

Combat Stealth Magic


Racial Bonuses

Magicka Mult.1.5x0.5x
Resist Magic-50%+50%+25%
Resist Fire-50%+75%
Resist Frost-25%+50%
Resist Shock-25%
Resist Poison+20+15
Resist Disease+15+15+15+15

Racial Skill Bonuses

  • Alchemy +1
  • Alteration +1
  • Conjuration +1
  • Destruction +2
  • Enchant +2
  • Illusion +1
  • Lore +1

  • Alchemy +1
  • Athletics +2
  • Illusion +1
  • Light Armor +1
  • Mysticism +1
  • Perception +1
  • Streetwise +1
  • Unarmored +1

  • Acrobatics +1
  • Alchemy +1
  • Light Armor +2
  • Marksman +2
  • Sneak +2
  • Throwing +1

  • Alchemy +1
  • Alteration +1
  • Conjuration +2
  • Illusion +1
  • Mysticism +2
  • Restoration +2

  • Athletics +1
  • Destruction +2
  • Light Armor +1
  • Long Blade +1
  • Marksman +1
  • Mysticism +1
  • Short Blade +2

  • Blunt +1
  • Crafting +1
  • Deception +2
  • Hand-to-Hand +1
  • Illusion +1
  • Light Armor +1
  • Long Blade +1
  • Lore +1
  • Speechcraft +2

  • Acrobatics +3
  • Athletics +1
  • Hand-to-Hand +1
  • Light Armor +1
  • Security +1
  • Short Blade +1
  • Sneak +1
  • Streetwise +1

  • Axe +2
  • Blunt +1
  • Crafting +1
  • Heavy Armor +1
  • Light Armor +2
  • Long Blade +1
  • Spear +1

  • Axe +2
  • Block +2
  • Blunt +1
  • Crafting +1
  • Heavy Armor +2
  • Survival +1

  • Athletics +1
  • Axe +1
  • Blunt +1
  • Heavy Armor +1
  • Light Armor +1
  • Long Blade +2
  • Perception +1
  • Short Blade +1

Racial Abilities


  • Ability: Argonian Water Breathing
    • Water Breathing on Self


  • Greater Power: Beast Tongue
    • Command Creature up to lvl 5 for 10 turns on Target


  • Greater Power: Dragon Skin
    • Shield 50 pts for 10 turns on Self


  • Greater Power: Ancestor Guardian
    • Summon Ancestor Guardian for 10 turns on Self


  • Greater Power: Star of the West

    • Absorb Fatigue 5 pts on Touch
  • Greater Power: Voice of the Emperor

    • Charm up to lvl 5 for 5 turns on Target


  • Greater Power: Eye of Fear

    • Demoralize up to lvl 25 for 5 turns on Target
  • Spell: Eye of Night (Make constant effect?)

    • Night Eye for 30 seconds (0 cost)


  • Greater Power: Nordic Frost

    • Frost Damage 25 pts on Touch
  • Greater Power: Woad

    • Shield 30 pts for 10 turns on Self


  • Greater Power: Berserk
    • Fortify Health 20 pts for 10 turns on Self
    • Fortify Fatigue 10 pts for 10 turns on Self
    • Fortify Attack 20 pts for 10 turns on Self
    • Drain Agility 20 pts for 10 turns on Self


  • Greater Power: Adrenaline Rush
    • Fortify Agility 10 pts for 10 turns on Self
    • Fortify Endurance 10 pts for 10 turns on Self
    • Fortify Speed 10 pts for 10 turns on Self
    • Fortify Strength 10 pts for 10 turns on Self
    • Fortify Health 25 pts for 10 turns on Self


Types of Magic

Abilities are passive spell effects, they are always active.

Greater Powers are only able to be used once per day, always succeed, and cost no Magicka.

Lesser Powers can be used as often as you want, always succeed, and may or may not cost Magicka.

Spells are the most common and standard spell, which are covered in the following section.

Rituals are a class of magic with casting times longer than one action.

Runes, Ward ← Enchant



Casting a spell

Any given spell has a Spell Difficulty, which you must overcome to successfully cast. The Spell Difficulty is a base of 20, plus double the Spell Cost.

When casting a spell, roll a d20 and add your Spell Skill doubled plus your Willpower on 4. If you meet or exceed the Spell Difficulty, the spell cast is successful. On a failed cast, the Magicka is still expended.

For example, a wizard with a Destruction skill of 9 and a Willpower of 10 wants to cast a spell that costs 5 Magicka. The Spell Difficulty is then 20 + 5 * 2 → DC 30, and their Spell Cast Modifier for Destruction is 9 * 2 + 10/4 → +20; the wizard rolls a d20 and gets a 7, 7+20 is less than the required DC 30, so the spell fails.

Determining Spell Cost

The Spell Cost is the Magicka required to cast a spell. To calculate, multiply the Magnitude and Duration, then add in the Area, then multiply by the Spell Effect's Base Cost, finally divide by 60 for Self and Touch spells, 48 for Target spells. Round the Spell Cost up

Acquiring New Spells

You can learn new spells in a variety of ways. You might find a spellbook that can teach you a spell, or learn a spell from an NPC - either through barter or other means. Characters can take an hour to teach another a spell, given the teacher has an Intelligence of 15 or higher or has a 15 or higher in the school of the spell being taught. Spells can also be created, either for a fee from NPCs or through a perk.

When creating spells, you must know a spell with the effect you want to use to be able to create a spell with that effect, whether you are paying an NPC or creating a spell yourself. The standard fee for spellmaking is 100 times its Magicka point cost.

Ranged Spells

When casting a spell at a target at range, you must overcome the Target's Evasion in addition to the Spell Difficulty. (-> Two separate rolls?)


Using Enchanted Items

Enchanted Items have their own Magicka pools. This is determined by the soul size of the soul used to create the item.

When an enchantment is used, it requires Magicka points from the item's pool equal to the Enchantment Cost.

Cast on Use items require a bonus action to use - you can only use one Cast on Use enchantment per Turn. Cast on Strike enchantments take effect whenever the item strikes a target. For bows and crossbows, they take effect when the ammunition hits a target.

Items recharge Magicka naturally, at a rate of one per hour (Change?), or can be recharged using soul gems. (Recharge using Magicka?)

Types of Enchantments

Cast on Use enchantments take a bonus action to use, and only one Cast on Use enchantment can be used per Turn. Cast on Use enchantments can be Self, Touch, or Target effects. For Self, the effect is applied to the user. For Touch and Target, the one who uses item casts the spell successfully.

Cast on Strike enchantments activate whenever the item strikes a target. For bows and crossbows, they take effect when the ammunition strikes a target. Cast on Strike enchantments can be either Self or Touch effects. For Self, the effect is applied to whoever has the item equipped. For Touch, the effect is applied to the target that was struck.

Cast on Condition enchantments activate on a condition set at creation time, for example casting when someone enters a room, casting when a certain word is said, or casting when someone steps on the item. The target must also be specified, work with the GM to make sure a created condition is specific enough.

Constant Effect enchantments are always active when an item is equipped, and do not need to be used. Constant Effect enchantments can only be Self effects. The effect is applied to whoever has the item equipped.

Enchantment Cost

The Enchantment Cost is equivalent to the Spell Cost of the magic effects.

Enchantment Difficulty

The Enchantment Difficulty is a base of 20, plus four times the Enchantment Cost of the effects.

Soul Gems & Enchant Capacity

A soul of sufficient size is necessary to perform an enchantment. The size of the soul must meet or exceed the Enchantment Cost.

Paying for Enchantment

The base cost of an Enchantment is 100 times the Enchantment Difficulty.

Enchanting an item yourself

To Enchant an item yourself, roll a d20, add your Enchant skill plus your Intelligence on 4. If you meet or exceed the Enchantment Difficulty, the Enchantment is a success. The soul used is still consumed on a failed Enchantment. You must know a spell with the effect to be enchanted in order to enchant and item with a given effect.


Using Runes

A Rune is a single use enchantment on an item, requiring no soul gem to be created. A Rune may have any casting type as described in Types of Enchantments, besides Constant Effect. Besides their single cast nature, they function the same as an equivalent enchantment.

Creating a Rune

To create a Rune, you must succeed on an Enchant check - Enchant plus Intelligence / 4 - against the Enchantment Difficulty of the effect. Enchantment Difficulty is calculated the same way as for normal enchantments. Rather than requiring a soul gem of sufficient size, creating a Rune requires the creator to use Magicka points equal to the Enchantment Cost. You must know a spell with the effect to be enchanted in order to create a rune with a given effect.


Using a Potion

On your turn, you may drink a potion as a bonus action. You may only drink one potion per turn.

For poisons, you may use a bonus action to apply a poison to a weapon. This poison affects whatever target is next hit with that weapon successfully. You may not stack poisons on a weapon and the poison lasts for only one successful hit.

Creating a Potion

Creating a Potion requires at least a Mortar & Pestle, any other alchemical tools (Calcinator, Retort, Alembic) are optional. A Potion also requires at least two ingredients, and a maximum of four ingredients. The spell effects of the potions are whatever effects are shared by all the ingredients. If no effects are shared, potion creation automatically fails.

Determining Potion Success

If a d20 roll plus your Alchemy plus your Intelligence on 4 meets or exceeds 20, a potion is successfully created.

Determining Potion Strength

The Magnitude of potion effects is determined by your Alchemy multiplied by 2, plus your Intelligence on 4, plus the quality of your Mortar & Pestle plus your Alembic, the total divided by the effect Base Cost. Each effect is calculated separately, having multiple effects does not reduce the strength of the other effects. (Ingredient potency?)

((Alchemy * 2) + (Intelligence / 4) + Mortar & Pestle + Alembic + Ingredient Potency) / Base Cost

Determining Potion Duration

The Duration of potion effects in Turns is determined by your Alchemy multiplied by 2, plus your Intelligence on 4, plus the quality of your Calcinator plus your Retort, the total divided by 4. Each effect is calculated separately, having multiple effects does not reduce the duration of the other effects.

((Alchemy * 2) + (Intelligence / 4) + Calcinator + Retort + Ingredient Potency) / 4

Note: Both Strength and Duration use your Alchemy times 2 plus your Intelligence on 4. The number before division for Magnitude and Duration calculations are constant when equipment and stats do not change. It may be useful to write down these numbers if you create potions often.

Non-Magic Combat

Armor & Evasion

Determining your Armor Class

Your Armor Class is simply the armor values of all the items you wearing added, plus your current armor type's skill on 2. For example, a character with Iron Boots (1.5), Iron Gauntlets (1.5), Iron Helmet (2), Steel Greaves (3), and a Chainmail Cuirass (3), with a Heavy Armor skill of 11 (⌊11/2⌋ = 5), has an Armor Class of 16.

Your Armor Class value determines the damage reduction when you are hit by a non-magical attack. The incoming damage is reduced by points equal to your Armor Class, with minimum damage being 1/5 the incoming value. (Change to 1/10?)

Determining your Evasion

The base evasion value for characters is 10, plus your Agility on 4. Skill modifiers are determined by what kind of armor set you are wearing.

For Unarmored characters, add your Unarmored on 2.

For characters in Light Armor, add your Light Armor on 4.

For characters in Heavy Armor, no modifiers are added.

The overall armor type of the character is determined by what the majority of the main slots (Boots, Legs, Chest, Hands, Helmet) contain. For each non-conforming item your armor skill is reduced by two for the purposes of Evasion calculation. (Change? Mixed calculation?)

Making an Attack

Determining Attack damage

Before making an Attack Roll, you must decide how much Fatigue you are investing in the attack. Different weapon types require and allow different amounts of Fatigue to be used (See table). Each extra Fatigue used beyond the minimum required increases the damage, depending on the material and weapon type (See table). Finally, your Strength score is added to the Damage.

Determining Attack success

Your Attack Roll is equivalent to your weapon skill plus your Agility on 4. Make a roll with a d20, if the roll plus your Attack Roll meets or exceeds the target's Evasion value, the attack hits.

Ranged Weapons

Making an Attack with a Ranged Weapon is no different from any other weapon, however you must be aware of Ammunition and Range.

Throwing weapons are their own Ammunition, and can be recovered after they have hit something.

Bows use Arrows and Crossbows use Bolts, their damage is added to the normal Attack damage. Arrows and bolts may be recovered, but not always. A good guideline is recovering half of arrows that hit a target, though this is up to the GM. Arrows which miss can always be recovered, if you can find them.

All Ranged weapons have an effective range, outside of this range you subtract one from your Attack Roll for every 5ft.

Spears & Staves

Spears and Staves have more reach than other weapons. They can reach enemies up to 10ft away, rather than the 5ft of normal weapons.

Attacking an enemy within 5ft with a Spear or Staff, however, reduces your Attack Roll by 10.

Playing the Game


A Round consists of the Turns of all characters involved in some situation, most often combat. Outside of combat, Rounds are not required, but can be used if the GM finds it fit.

The first part of the Round is Declaration, wherein characters declare what they will attempt to do on their Turn. Declaration moves in reverse Turn Order (i.e. higher Speed declares last, lower Speed declares first).

After all characters have Declared, the Turns are taken in Turn order. Characters attempt to do whatever they Declared.

Turn Order

Turn Order is determined by Speed. Characters with higher Speed act first, characters with lower Speed last. Ties may be broken with a d20 challenge or agreement between players.

(Change to use a roll as well?)


Declaration moves in reverse Turn Order (i.e. higher Speed declares last, lower Speed declares first). This allows characters with a higher Speed to decide their actions based on the Declaration of lower Speed characters, giving a significant advantage.

For example, a goblin declares that they are going to run over and attack a wizard. The wizard has a higher Speed, and makes their declaration after the goblin. They see that the goblin is going to attack them, and so decides to cast a Fire Shield spell.


On a character's Turn, they attempt to enact whatever they decided in their Declaration. For example, a rogue sees a health potion sitting on a table, and in their declaration states they're going to run over and drink it. On their Turn, they begin to run over, but knock right into an invisible wall. They cannot get to the potion, and so their turn ends.

In the goblin example from the Declaration section, the wizard acts first, and on their Turn successfully casts their Fire Shield spell. The goblin, as they declared, runs to the wizard and attacks, only to get a heavy dose of fire damage, and our wizard remains unscathed.


Your movement speed is a base of 10ft per Turn, plus your Athletics on 4 added with your Speed on 2 times 5ft. E.g. A character with a Speed of 13 and an Athletics of 9 has a movement speed of 10ft + ((13/2 + 9/4) * 5ft) → 50ft.

You can move once per Turn (Fatigue cost? Half speed free?), plus one additional time for 2 Fatigue.


Actions encompass many thing you might want to do on a Turn. The most common are making an Attack and Casting a Spell.

You have only one Action per Turn.

Bonus Actions

Many things do not take up a full action, and instead are bonus actions, which can be taken in addition to normal actions. Examples would be drinking a Potion, using an Enchantment on an item, dropping an item, or shouting something.

Most bonus actions can only be taken once per Turn, e.g. you can only drink one potion per Turn. This is the default for any bonus action unless otherwise specified.

Speaking is an example of a bonus action which can be done multiple times in a Turn, the limits are up to the GM.

Equipping and Changing Weapons

Equipping a weapon is a bonus action, however if you store your current weapon it takes a full Action. If you drop your current weapon, equipping a new weapon remains a bonus action.


Attribute Increases

An Attribute increases by 1 when there have been 2 increases in Skills it governs, either one Skill increasing by two or two Skills increasing by one. The maximum base value of an Attribute is 20, it cannot be raised further with Skill increases.

Skill Increases

A Skill increases by one when a player reaches 2x the value being increased to in Experience points. The maximum base value for a Skill is 20.


When the GM feels a player has used a Skill a significant amount, has used a Skill in a particularly clever way, or a way that fits the character very well from a roleplay perspective, the GM awards the player an Experience point in that Skill. When a player has gained enough Experience points in a Skill, the Skill increases.

Some examples:

  • A player using Light Armor and a Spear has finished a long combat, or a series of smaller fights. The GM awards an Experience point in each.

  • A mage has used a new Destruction spell for the first time. The GM awards an Experience point in Destruction.

  • A thief managed to open a moderately difficult lock. The GM awards an Experience point in Security.

  • A player used an enchanted item to save themselves from a dangerous situation. The GM awards an experience point in Enchant.

  • A warrior in Heavy Armor tanks and holds off a horde of enemies, fighting to the last breath to buy time for the party to think of a way to escape. The GM awards 2 Experience points in Heavy Armor.

  • A mage managed to cast a Conjuration spell far beyond their normal skill, achieving a key objective for the party's, or their own, quest. The GM awards 3 Experience points in Conjuration.

  • A slick-talking player manages to buy an item at a price significantly below what the seller was originally asking. The GM awards an Experience point in Speechcraft.

The points at which GMs award Experience are up to them, though they should not be too reserved with them - many Experience points are needed to advance.

Experience Required Table

Experience points required for Skill increase is 2x the value you are increasing to.

Value Cost
0 → 1 2
1 → 2 4
2 → 3 6
3 → 4 8
4 → 5 10
5 → 6 12
6 → 7 14
7 → 8 16
8 → 9 18
9 → 10 20
10 → 11 22
11 → 12 24
12 → 13 26
13 → 14 28
14 → 15 30
15 → 16 32
16 → 17 34
17 → 18 36
18 → 19 38
19 → 20 40


You gain Perks for each Skill as you increase it, one at the Apprentice level 5, one at the Expert level 10, one at the Master level 15. You can find a list of the Perks here. (Higher values for Expert and Master perks?)


You gain a level when you have had an Attribute increase. On gaining a level, your base HP increases by half your Endurace value. Also used for a few spell effects rn and that's about it... might have perks interact with it, idk

Reference Tables

Quick Skill Values

N N/2 N/4
1 0 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 2 1
5 2 1
6 3 1
7 3 1
8 4 2
9 4 2
10 5 2
11 5 2
12 6 3
13 6 3
14 7 3
15 7 3
16 8 4
17 8 4
18 9 4
19 9 4
20 10 5

Weapon Fatigue Usage

Attack Fatigue Cost Weapon Type
0 Base Fatigue (1 Max) Short Blade Club Staff Throwing
1 Base Fatigue (3 Max) Long Blade (1h) Spear War Axe Bows & Crossbow
2 Base Fatigue (5 Max) Warhammer Battle Axe Long Blade (2h)

Weapon Governing Skills

Skill Type
Axe Battle Axe War Axe
Blunt Club Staff Warhammer
Long Blade Long Blade (1h) Long Blade (2h)
Short Blade Short Blade
Spear Spear
Throwing Throwing
Marksman Bow Crossbow

Material Damage Values

Staves, Daggers, Shortswords, Clubs, Throwing

Material Base +1 +2
Iron 1d6 1d6+3 1d6+6
Steel 1d8 1d8+4 1d8+8
Silver 1d8 1d8+4 1d8+8
Elven 1d10 1d10+5 1d10+10
Dwarven 1d10 1d10+5 1d10+10
Glass 1d12 1d12+6 1d12+12
Ebony 1d12 1d12+6 1d12+12
Daedric 1d20 1d20+10 1d20+20

War Axes, Spears, 1-H Long, Bows

Material Base +1 +2
Iron 1d6 1d6+3 2d6+3
Steel 1d8 1d8+4 2d8+4
Silver 1d8 1d8+4 2d8+4
Elven 1d10 1d10+5 2d10+5
Dwarven 1d10 1d10+5 2d10+5
Glass 1d12 1d12+6 2d12+6
Ebony 1d12 1d12+6 2d12+6
Daedric 1d20 1d20+10 2d20+10

2-H Long, Warhammers, Battle Axes

Material Base +1 +2 +3 +4
Iron 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6
Steel 1d8 2d8 3d8 4d8 5d8
Silver 1d8 2d8 3d8 4d8 5d8
Elven 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10
Dwarven 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10
Glass 1d12 2d12 3d12 4d12 5d12
Ebony 1d12 2d12 3d12 4d12 5d12
Daedric 1d20 2d20 3d20 4d20 5d20

Arrows, Bolts

Material Damage
Iron 1
Steel 2
Silver 2
Elven 3
Dwarven 3
Glass 4
Ebony 5
Daedric 10


Bow Iron, Steel, Silver60ft
Elven, Dwarven80ft
Glass, Ebony100ft
Crossbow Steel80ft
ThrowingIron, Steel, Silver20ft
Elven, Dwarven30ft
Glass, Ebony40ft

Alchemy Tool Quality

Tier Bonus
Novice +2
Apprentice +4
Journeyman +8
Master +10
Grandmaster +15

Ingredient Quality

Tier Bonus
Poor +0
Common +3
Rare +6
Epic +9
Legendary +15

Armor Values

Fur Armor

Full Set6
Fur Boots 0.5
Fur Cuirass 2
Fur Gauntlets0.5
Fur Greaves 1
Fur Helmet 1
Fur Shield 1

Leather Armor

Full Set10
Leather Boots 1
Leather Cuirass 2.5
Leather Gauntlets1
Leather Greaves 1.5
Leather Helmet 1
Leather Shield 3

Chainmail Armor

Full Set12
Chainmail Boots 1
Chainmail Cuirass 3
Chainmail Gauntlets1
Chainmail Greaves 2
Chainmail Helmet 1.5
Light Iron Shield 3.5

Mithril Armor

Full Set14
Mithril Boots 1.5
Mithril Cuirass 3.5
Mithril Gauntlets1.5
Mithril Greaves 2
Mithril Helmet 1.5
Mithril Shield 4

Elven Armor

Full Set16
Elven Boots 1.5
Elven Cuirass 4
Elven Gauntlets1.5
Elven Greaves 2.5
Elven Helmet 2
Elven Shield 4.5

Glass Armor

Full Set20
Glass Boots 2
Glass Cuirass 5
Glass Gauntlets2
Glass Greaves 3
Glass Helmet 3
Glass Shield 5

Iron Armor

Full Set16
Iron Boots1.5
Iron Cuirass4
Iron Gauntlets1.5
Iron Greaves2.5
Iron Helmet2
Iron Shield4.5

Steel Armor

Full Set18
Steel Boots 1.5
Steel Cuirass 4.5
Steel Gauntlets1.5
Steel Greaves 3
Steel Helmet 2.5
Steel Shield 5

Dwarven Armor

Full Set20
Dwarven Boots 2
Dwarven Cuirass 5
Dwarven Gauntlets2
Dwarven Greaves 3
Dwarven Helmet 2.5
Dwarven Shield 5.5

Orcish Armor

Full Set22
Orcish Boots 2
Orcish Cuirass 5.5
Orcish Gauntlets2
Orcish Greaves 3.5
Orcish Helmet 3
Orcish Shield 6

Ebony Armor

Full Set24
Ebony Boots 2.5
Ebony Cuirass 6
Ebony Gauntlets2.5
Ebony Greaves 3.5
Ebony Helmet 3
Ebony Shield 6.5

Daedric Armor

Full Set30
Daedric Boots 3
Daedric Cuirass 7.5
Daedric Gauntlets3
Daedric Greaves 4.5
Daedric Helmet 4
Daedric Shield 8

Select Clothing


Common Amulet
Common Ring
Common Belt
Common Gloves
Common Pants
Common Robe
Common Shirt
Common Shoes
Common Skirt


Expensive Amulet
Expensive Ring
Expensive Belt
Expensive Gloves
Expensive Pants
Expensive Robe
Expensive Shirt
Expensive Shoes
Expensive Skirt


Extravagent Amulet
Extravagent Ring
Extravagent Belt
Extravagent Gloves
Extravagent Pants
Extravagent Robe
Extravagent Shirt
Extravagent Shoes
Extravagent Skirt


Exquisite Amulet
Exquisite Ring
Exquisite Belt
Exquisite Gloves
Exquisite Pants
Exquisite Robe
Exquisite Shirt
Exquisite Shoes
Exquisite Skirt

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