2024-08-18 14:55:39 -05:00
func dumpCpuState(_ cpu: CPU) -> String {
guard let opcode = OPCODES_MAP[cpu.memRead(cpu.programCounter)] else { fatalError("Not an opcode: \(cpu.memRead(cpu.programCounter))") }
var hexOpcode = [String(format: "%02X", cpu.memRead(cpu.programCounter))]
let (memAddr, storedVal) = switch opcode.mode {
case .Immediate, .NoneAddressing:
(UInt16(0), UInt8(0))
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let (addr, _) = cpu.getAbsoluteAddress(opcode.mode, addr: cpu.programCounter + 1)
2024-08-18 14:55:39 -05:00
2024-08-20 22:36:04 -05:00
return (addr, 0)//cpu.memRead(addr))
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let operand = switch opcode.len {
case 1:
return switch opcode.code {
case 0x0a, 0x4a, 0x2a, 0x6a:
"A "
case 2:
let address = cpu.memRead(cpu.programCounter + 1)
hexOpcode.append(String(format: "%02X", address))
return switch opcode.mode {
case .Immediate:
String(format: "#$%02X", address)
case .ZeroPage:
String(format: "$%02X = %02X", memAddr, storedVal)
case .ZeroPage_X:
String(format: "$%02X,X @ %02X = %02X", address, memAddr, storedVal)
case .ZeroPage_Y:
String(format: "$%02X,Y @ %02X = %02X", address, memAddr, storedVal)
case .Indirect_X:
String(format: "($%02X,X) @ %02X = %04X = %02X", address, address &+ cpu.register_x, memAddr, storedVal)
case .Indirect_Y:
String(format: "($%02X),Y = %04X @ %04X = %02X", address, memAddr &- UInt16(cpu.register_y), memAddr, storedVal)
case .NoneAddressing:
String(format: "$%04X", Int(cpu.programCounter) + 2 &+ Int(Int8(bitPattern: address)))
fatalError("Unexpected addressing mode \(opcode.mode) has ops-length of 2. code: \(opcode.mnemonic)")
case 3:
let addressLo = cpu.memRead(cpu.programCounter + 1)
let addressHi = cpu.memRead(cpu.programCounter + 2)
hexOpcode.append(String(format: "%02X", addressLo))
hexOpcode.append(String(format: "%02X", addressHi))
let address = cpu.memReadU16(cpu.programCounter + 1)
return switch opcode.mode {
case .NoneAddressing:
// jmp indirect
if (opcode.code == 0x6c) {
let jmpAddr = if address & 0x00FF == 0x00FF {
let lo = cpu.memRead(address)
let hi = cpu.memRead(address & 0xFF00)
return UInt16(hi) << 8 | UInt16(lo)
} else {
return String(format: "($%04X) = %04X", address, jmpAddr)
} else {
return String(format: "$%04X", address)
case .Absolute:
String(format: "$%04X = %02X", memAddr, storedVal)
case .Absolute_X:
String(format: "$%04X,X @ %04X = %02X", address, memAddr, storedVal)
case .Absolute_Y:
String(format: "$%04X,Y @ %04X = %02X", address, memAddr, storedVal)
fatalError("Unexpected addressing mode \(opcode.mode) has ops-length of 3. code: \(opcode.mnemonic)")
let hexString = hexOpcode.joined(separator: " ").padding(toLength: 8, withPad: " ", startingAt: 0)
let asm = "\(String(format: "%04X", cpu.programCounter)) \(hexString) \(opcode.mnemonic.leftPadding(toLength: 4, withPad: " ")) \(operand)".padding(toLength: 47, withPad: " ", startingAt: 0)
return String(format: "\(asm) A:%02X X:%02X Y:%02X P:%02X SP:%02X", cpu.register_a, cpu.register_x, cpu.register_y, cpu.status.rawValue, cpu.stackPointer)
extension String {
func leftPadding(toLength: Int, withPad character: Character) -> String {
let stringLength = self.count
if stringLength < toLength {
return String(repeatElement(character, count: toLength - stringLength)) + self
} else {
return String(self.suffix(toLength))