objects = entry.o kernel.o task.o handler.o interrupt.o v86.o print.o tss.o gdt.o\ paging.o fault.o tests.o kbd.o helper.o disk.o file.o fs.o dosfs/dosfs.o fs_dos.o\ progs.o hexedit.o textedit.o CFLAGS = -target "i686-elf" -m32 -mgeneral-regs-only -ffreestanding\ -march=i686 -fno-stack-protector -Wno-int-conversion -nostdlib -c LFLAGS = -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--print-gc-sections -m32 -nostartfiles -nostdlib ifeq ($(OUTFILE),) OUTFILE = virtdisk.bin endif ifeq ($(PARTSTART),) PARTSTART = 2048 endif PARTVBR=$(shell echo "$(PARTSTART) * (2^9)" | bc) PARTVBRBOOT=$(shell echo "$(PARTVBR) + 90" | bc) KERNSEC=$(shell echo "$(PARTSTART) + 4" | bc) .PHONY: $(OUTFILE) all: $(OUTFILE) $(OUTFILE): boot.bin boot_partition.bin kernel.bin # Copy system bootloader to boot sector, don't overwrite MBR dd bs=400 count=1 conv=notrunc if=boot.bin of=$@ # Ensure partition VBR contains EB 5A echo -n -e '\xeb\x5a' | dd bs=1 seek=$(PARTVBR) count=2 conv=notrunc of=$@ # Copy kernel bootloader to partition VBR dd bs=1 count=420 seek=$(PARTVBRBOOT) conv=notrunc if=boot_partition.bin of=$@ # TODO Check that disk has enough reserved sectors, # currently this will overwrite the disk if too few # Write kernel beyond boot sector, maximum 64K (128 sectors) dd bs=512 count=128 seek=$(KERNSEC) conv=notrunc if=kernel.bin of=$@ kernel.bin: out.o link.ld usermode.o clang $(LFLAGS) -Wl,-M -Tlink.ld -ffreestanding -o $@ out.o usermode.o usermode.o: usermode.bin objcopy -I binary -O elf32-i386 -B i386 $< $@ %.bin: %.nasm nasm -o $@ $< out.o: $(objects) clang $(LFLAGS) -e entry -r -o $@ $^ %.o: %.nasm nasm -f elf32 -o $@ $< %.o: %.c clang $(CFLAGS) -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Os -o $@ $< virtdisk: cp virtdisk.bin.ex virtdisk.bin clean: rm -f $(objects) out.o kernel.bin boot.bin usermode.bin