#include "interrupt.h" #include "kbd.h" uint8_t scancodesToAscii[0x3B] = "\0\0" // 0x00 - 0x01 "1234567890" // 0x02 - 0x0B "-=" // 0x0C - 0x0D "\0\0" // 0x0E - 0x0F "qwertyuiop[]" // 0x10 - 0x1B "\0\0" // 0x1C - 0x1D "asdfghjkl;'`" // 0x1E - 0x29 "\0" // 0x2A "\\zxcvbnm,./" // 0x2B - 0x35 "\0" // 0x36 "*" // 0x37 "\0" // 0x38 " " // 0x39 "\0"; // 0x3A uint8_t scancodesToAsciiShift[0x3B] = "\0\0" // 0x00 - 0x01 "!@#$%^&*()" // 0x02 - 0x0B "_+" // 0x0C - 0x0D "\0\0" // 0x0E - 0x0F "QWERTYUIOP{}" // 0x10 - 0x1B "\0\0" // 0x1C - 0x1D "ASDFGHJKL:\"~" // 0x1E - 0x29 "\0" // 0x2A "|ZXCVBNM<>?" // 0x2B - 0x35 "\0" // 0x36 "*" // 0x37 "\0" // 0x38 " " // 0x39 "\0"; // 0x3A volatile uint8_t _KBDWAIT; volatile uint8_t _KEYCAPS = 0; volatile uint8_t _KEYSHIFT = 0; volatile uint8_t _LSTKEY_ASCII = 0; volatile uint8_t _LSTKEY_SCAN = 0; __attribute__ ((interrupt)) void keyboardHandler(struct interrupt_frame volatile *frame) { uint16_t old_ds; asm volatile( "mov %%ds, %%bx\n" "mov $0x10, %%ax\n" "mov %%ax, %%ds\n" :"=b"(old_ds)::"%ax" ); asm volatile("xchg %bx,%bx"); uint8_t key; asm volatile("inb $0x60, %%al":"=a"(key)); if (key == 0x3A) { // caps lock press _KEYCAPS = !_KEYCAPS; } else if (key == 0x2A || key == 0x36) { // left and right shift press _KEYSHIFT = 1; } else if (key == 0xAA || key == 0xB6) { // left and right shift release _KEYSHIFT = 0; } else if (key < 0x3B) { uint8_t ascii = _KEYCAPS != _KEYSHIFT ? scancodesToAsciiShift[key] : scancodesToAscii[key]; if (ascii) { _LSTKEY_ASCII = ascii; _LSTKEY_SCAN = key; _KBDWAIT = 1; } } else { _LSTKEY_ASCII = 0; _LSTKEY_SCAN = key; } asm volatile("outb %%al, $0x20"::"a"(0x20)); asm volatile( "mov %%ax, %%ds\n" ::"a"(old_ds) ); } __attribute((__no_caller_saved_registers__)) void kbd_clear() { _KBDWAIT = 0; _LSTKEY_ASCII = 0; _LSTKEY_SCAN = 0; } __attribute((__no_caller_saved_registers__)) void kbd_wait() { _KBDWAIT = 0; while(!_KBDWAIT) { asm volatile("hlt"); } } __attribute((__no_caller_saved_registers__)) uint8_t get_key() { while(!_LSTKEY_ASCII) { asm volatile("hlt"); } uint8_t k = _LSTKEY_ASCII; _LSTKEY_ASCII = 0; return k; } __attribute((__no_caller_saved_registers__)) uint16_t get_scancode() { while(!_LSTKEY_SCAN) { asm volatile("hlt"); } uint16_t k = _LSTKEY_SCAN | (_LSTKEY_ASCII << 8); _LSTKEY_SCAN = 0; _LSTKEY_ASCII = 0; return k; }