[Main](main.html) [Spell List](spelllist.html) --- ### ― Alteration ― > #### Alteration Journeyman > ##### Req. 5 Alteration > Pick one spell from the Alteration school as your signature spell. Your normal modifiers when casting this spell are doubled. > #### Alteration Expert > ##### Req. 10 Alteration > Pick one effect within the Alteration school. For this effect, the base cost is halved in spells. > #### Alteration Mastery > ##### Req. 15 Alteration > You gain a Constant Effect Shield, Fire Shield, Frost Shield, or Lightning Shield ability on Self, decreasing your max Magicka by 3x the spell cost. --- ### ― Conjuration ― > #### Conjuration Journeyman > ##### Req. 5 Conjuration > Pick one spell from the Conjuration school as your signature spell. Your normal modifiers when casting this spell are doubled. > #### Conjuration Expert > ##### Req. 10 Conjuration > Pick one effect within the Conjuration school. For this effect, the base cost is halved in spells. > #### Conjuration Mastery > ##### Req. 15 Conjuration > Provides Constant Effect Summon or Bound ability on Self for max Magicka decrease of 1.5x Summon Cost. --- ### ― Destruction ― > #### Destruction Journeyman > ##### Req. 5 Destruction > Pick one spell from the Destruction school as your signature spell. Your normal modifiers when casting this spell are doubled. > #### Destruction Expert > ##### Req. 10 Destruction > Pick one effect within the Destruction school. For this effect, the base cost is halved in spells. > #### Destruction Mastery > ##### Req. 15 Destruction > Your signature spells in the Destruction school have half the Magicka cost. --- ### ― Illusion ― > #### Illusion Journeyman > ##### Req. 5 Illusion > Pick one spell from the Illusion school as your signature spell. Your normal modifiers when casting this spell are doubled. > #### Illusion Expert > ##### Req. 10 Illusion > Pick one effect within the Illusion school. For this effect, the base cost is halved in spells. > #### Illusion Mastery > ##### Req. 15 Illusion > You gain a Constant Effect Chameleon or Sanctuary ability on Self, decreasing your max Magicka by 3x the spell cost. --- ### ― Mysticism ― > #### Mysticism Journeyman > ##### Req. 5 Mysticism > Pick one spell from the Mysticism school as your signature spell. Your normal modifiers when casting this spell are doubled. > #### Mysticism Expert > ##### Req. 10 Mysticism > Pick one effect within the Mysticism school. For this effect, the base cost is halved in spells. > #### Mysticism Mastery > ##### Req. 15 Mysticism > You gain a Constant Effect Reflect or Spell Absorbation ability on Self, decreasing your max Magicka by 3x the spell cost. --- ### ― Restoration ― > #### Restoration Journeyman > ##### Req. 5 Restoration > Pick one spell from the Restoration school as your signature spell. Your normal modifiers when casting this spell are doubled. > #### Restoration Expert > ##### Req. 10 Restoration > Pick one effect within the Restoration school. For this effect, the base cost is halved in spells. > #### Restoration Mastery > ##### Req. 15 Restoration > You gain a Constant Effect Resist or Restore Health ability on Self, decreasing your max Magicka by 3x the spell cost. --- ### ― Enchanting ― > #### Practiced Enchanter > ##### Req. 5 Enchant > You can expend Magicka to assist in the enchanting process, the DC is reduced by 2 for every 1 Magicka point used. > #### Enchanting Expert > ##### Req. 10 Enchant > Enchanted items you use have more charge, their Magicka pools are increased by 50% while you use them. > #### Constant Effect Enchanting > ##### Req. 15 Enchant > Allows the creation of Constant Effect enchantments, for which effect cost is doubled and a Greater or higher soul gem is required. --- ### ― Alchemy ― > #### Alchemy Journeyman > ##### Req. 5 Alchemy > You find twice as many ingredients when harvesting. > #### Alchemy Expert > ##### Req. 10 Alchemy > Negative effects for potions and positive effects for poisons are halved. > #### Alchemy Master > ##### Req. 15 Alchemy > You can create single ingredient potions. These potions have half the magnitude of a normal potion. The effect for these potions is the primary effect, marked in the ingredient data. --- ### ― Short Blade ― > #### Short Blade Journeyman > ##### Req. Short Blade 5 > You may make a bonus attack with Short Blades on each turn. Increases to 2 bonus attacks at Short Blade 15. > #### Short Blade Expert > ##### Req. Short Blade 10 > Attacks with Short Blades ignore half the opponent's armor. > #### Short Blade Mastery > ##### Req. Short Blade 15 > Attacks with Short Blades use one less Fatigue, to a minimum of 0. You may make 2 bonus attacks with Short Blades, rather than one. --- ### ― Long Blade ― > #### Long Blade Journeyman > ##### Req. Long Blade 5 > Attacks with Long Blade can achieve a critical hit with a 19 or 20. > #### Long Blade Expert > ##### Req. Long Blade 10 > Your attack affects extra targets within 5ft equal to the extra fatigue used in the attack. > #### Long Blade Mastery (Riposte) > ##### Req. Long Blade 15 > When an enemy melee attacks you, you can attack in return. The enemy attack does not need to hit. --- ### ― Spear ― > #### Spear Journeyman (ZOC 1) > ##### Req. Spear 5 > When wielding a spear, you get an attack reaction on any opponent you can see entering attack range from the front. > #### Spear Expert (ZOC 2) > ##### Req. Spear 10 > If you make a successful attack reaction on an opponent entering attack range, they cannot get closer to you. > #### Spear Mastery > ##### Req. Spear 15 > Attacks with Spear crush through blocks, the opponent's block DC is increased by points equal to your attack roll. --- ### ― Blunt Weapon ― > #### Blunt Weapon Journeyman > ##### Req. Blunt Weapon 5 > The max fatigue cap of blunt weapon attacks is increased by one. > #### Blunt Weapon Expert > ##### Req. Blunt Weapon 10 > The base fatigue cost of blunt weapon attacks is reduced by one, to a minimum of 0. > #### Blunt Weapon Mastery > ##### Req. Blunt Weapon 15 > Attacks with blunt weapons knock down and disarm the opponent on a critical hit. --- ### ― Axe ― > #### Axe Journeyman > ##### Req. Axe 5 > Attacks with axes crush through blocks, the opponent's block DC is increased by points equal to your attack roll. > #### Axe Expert > ##### Req. Axe 10 > Critical hits with axes allow you to disarm the opponent. > #### Axe Mastery > ##### Req. Axe 15 > For each point of fatigue you expend on an attack with an axe, the roll necessary for a critical hit is reduced by one. --- ### ― Marksman ― > #### Marksman Journeyman > ##### Req. Marksman 5 > You do not need to take a turn after shooting to ready your next shot. > #### Marksman Expert > ##### Req. Marksman 10 > Attacks with bows ignore half the opponent's armor. > #### Marksman Mastery > ##### Req. Marksman 15 > When you make an attack with a bow, you can make an additional bow attack. --- ### ― Throwing ― > #### Throwing Journeyman > ##### Req. Throwing 5 > When attacking with throwing weapons, your attack skill is multiplied by 1.5x. > #### Throwing Expert > ##### Req. Throwing 10 > Attacks with throwing weapon ignore half the opponent's armor. > #### Throwing Mastery > ##### Req. Throwing 15 > When you make an attack with a throwing weapon, you can make an additional throwing attack. --- ### ― Hand-to-hand ― > #### Hand-to-hand Journeyman > ##### Req. Hand-to-hand 5 > The base damage of hand-to-hand attacks increases as your *Base* skill increases, based on the following table, rather than 1. > > | Skill | Base Damage | > | ----- | ----------- | > | 5 | 1d6 | > | 8 | 1d8 | > | 12 | 1d8+4 | > | 15 | 1d10+5 | > | 17 | 1d12+6 | > | 20 | 1d20+10 | > #### Hand-to-hand Expert > ##### Req. Hand-to-hand 10 > If you do damage to an opponent with a hand-to-hand attack, they cannot attack you with a weapon on their next turn. > #### Hand-to-hand Mastery > ##### Req. Hand-to-hand 15 > Hand-to-hand attacks achieve a critical hit with an 18 or higher, and can disarm an opponent on a critical hit. --- ### ― Unarmored ― > #### Unarmored Journeyman > ##### Req. Unarmored 5 > Instead of adding Unarmored / 2 pts to AC when not wearing armor, add your full Unarmored value. > #### Unarmored Expert > ##### Req. Unarmored 10 > Your Unarmored skill contributes twice as much to your evasion. > #### Unarmored Mastery > ##### Req. Unarmored 15 > When hit by any attack, you can make a DC 30 Unarmored check to negate the hit entirely. --- ### ― Light Armor ― > #### Light Armor Journeyman > ##### Req. Light Armor 5 > Light Armor provides no Speed penalty. > #### Light Armor Expert > ##### Req. Light Armor 10 > Fatigue regenerates 50% faster in all Light Armor. > #### Light Armor Mastery > ##### Req. Light Armor 15 > When wearing all Light Armor, you gain 50% Resistance to Fire, Frost, and Shock. --- ### ― Heavy Armor ― > #### Heavy Armor Journeyman > ##### Req. Heavy Armor 5 > When wearing all Heavy Armor, for 2 Fatigue you can run into an opponent in movement range, Staggering them. > #### Heavy Armor Expert > ##### Req. Heavy Armor 10 > Wearing Heavy Armor no longer reduces your Fatigue. > #### Heavy Armor Mastery > ##### Req. Heavy Armor 15 > Damage can be reduced to 1/10th by armor, rather than 1/5th. --- ### ― Block ― > #### Block Journeyman > ##### Req. Block 5 > Along with the regular DC 19 Block check, if your check also beats `RollToBeat = 20 - (Block / 2)` > the entire attack damage is negated. (10% chance at Block 5, 50% chance at Block 20) > #### Block Expert > ##### Req. Block 10 > Along with other Block checks, if your check beats a 15, the opponent is staggered, losing one attack on their next turn. (25% chance) > #### Block Mastery > ##### Req. Block 15 > Along with other Block checks, if your check beats a 19, the opponent is disarmed (5% chance) --- ### ― Athletics ― > #### Athletics Journeyman > ##### Req. Athletics 5 > Your max movements per turn is increased by one. > #### Athletics Expert > ##### Req. Athletics 10 > Your Athletics skill is doubled when added to your movement speed. > #### Athletics Mastery > ##### Req. Athletics 15 > One additional movement per turn costs no fatigue. --- ### ― Acrobatics ― > #### Acrobatics Journeyman > ##### Req. Acrobatics 5 > During combat, you may make an Acrobatics check against an opponent's Speed in melee range to leave their zone of control without provoking an attack. > #### Acrobatics Expert > ##### Req. Acrobatics 10 > Your jump height in feet is equal to your Acrobatics skill, rather than Acrobatics / 2. > #### Acrobatics Mastery > ##### Req. Acrobatics 15 > You no longer take damage from falling. --- ### ― Sneak ― > #### Sneak Journeyman > ##### Req. Sneak 5 > Damage from a sneak attack is x4 instead of 2x. > #### Sneak Expert > ##### Req. Sneak 10 > Your movement is no longer halved in stealth. > #### Sneak Mastery > ##### Req. Sneak 15 > After a movement action, you may make a DC 35 Sneak check to enter stealth, even when not obscured. --- ### ― Deception ― > #### Deception Journeyman > ##### Req. Deception 5 > You can take a few minutes to disguise yourself, requiring a DC 20 + Deception + (Personality / 4) to be recognized. > #### Deception Expert > ##### Req. Deception 10 > Your action declarations are hidden from other combatants. You still must declare your actions, but opponents cannot use that information against you, as if you were hidden. > #### Deception Mastery > ##### Req. Deception 15 > You can mimic the speech of any person you've heard speaking in a language you know. --- ### ― Speechcraft ― > #### Speechcraft Journeyman > ##### Req. Speechcraft 5 > Up to Speechcraft / 4 times per day, you can encourage an ally, allowing them to add your Speechcraft / 4 to a skill check of their choice. > #### Speechcraft Expert > ##### Req. Speechcraft 10 > When determining is some is lying to you, your Speechcraft skill is doubled. > #### Speechcraft Mastery > ##### Req. Speechcraft 15 > Any roll lower than a 10 on a Speechcraft check is considered a 10. --- ### ― Security ― > #### Security Journeyman > ##### Req. Security 5 > Your lockpicking is silent. > #### Security Expert > ##### Req. Security 10 > Your lockpicking never leaves a trace. > #### Security Mastery > ##### Req. Security 15 > You get a copy of a lock's key after picking it. --- ### ― Survival ― > #### Survival Journeyman > ##### Req. Survival 5 > You can always forage enough food for yourself, excluding extreme circumstances. > #### Survival Expert > ##### Req. Survival 10 > Non-magical animals do not attack you unless provoked. > #### Survival Mastery > ##### Req. Survival 15 > You gain 50% Resistance to Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison, and Disease. --- ### ― Non-Skill ― > #### Spellmaking > ##### Req. 15 Intelligence > Allows Spellmaking. --- [License Info](license.html) ---