2022-09-21 17:14:11 -05:00

283 lines
9.7 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "interrupt.h"
char int_nibbleToHex(uint8_t n) {
return n > 9 ? (n - 10) + 'A' : n + '0';
void int_printByte(uint8_t v, uint16_t *buff) {
*(char *)&buff[0] = int_nibbleToHex((v >> 4) & 0xF);
*(char *)&buff[1] = int_nibbleToHex(v & 0xF);
void int_printWord(uint16_t v, uint16_t *buff) {
int_printByte(v >> 8, buff);
int_printByte(v, &buff[2]);
void int_printDword(uint32_t v, uint16_t *buff) {
int_printWord(v >> 16, buff);
int_printWord(v, &buff[4]);
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) IDTR_t {
uint16_t size;
uint32_t offset;
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) InterruptDescriptor32 {
uint16_t offset_1; // offset bits 0..15
uint16_t selector; // a code segment selector in GDT or LDT
uint8_t zero; // unused, set to 0
uint8_t type_attributes; // gate type, dpl, and p fields
uint16_t offset_2; // offset bits 16..31
struct InterruptDescriptor32 IDT[256];
struct IDTR_t IDTR;
void outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t value) {
asm volatile("outb %%al, %%dx" : : "d"(port), "a"(value));
uint8_t inb(uint16_t port) {
uint8_t value;
asm volatile("inb %%dx, %%al" : "=a"(value) : "d"(port));
return value;
FARPTR i386LinearToFp(void *ptr)
unsigned seg, off;
off = (uintptr_t) ptr & 0xffff;
seg = ((uintptr_t) ptr >> 16);
return MK_FP(seg, off);
void IRQ_set_mask(char IRQline) {
uint16_t port;
uint8_t value;
if (IRQline < 8) {
port = 0x21;
} else {
port = 0xA1;
IRQline -= 8;
value = inb(port) | (1 << IRQline);
outb(port, value);
void IRQ_clear_mask(char IRQline) {
uint16_t port;
uint8_t value;
if (IRQline < 8) {
port = 0x21;
} else {
port = 0xA1;
IRQline -= 8;
value = inb(port) & ~(1 << IRQline);
outb(port, value);
char v86_if = 0;
extern uint16_t *ivt;
extern void real_test();
extern void kbd_wait();
extern void jmp_usermode_test();
extern void return_prev_task();
__attribute__ ((interrupt))
void gpf_handler_v86(struct interrupt_frame *frame, unsigned long error_code) {
//asm volatile("mov %%ax,%%ds"::"a"(0x10));
uint8_t *ip;
uint16_t *stack;
uint32_t *stack32;
char is_operand32 = 0, is_address32 = 0;
ip = (uint8_t*)(size_t)(((frame->cs << 4) + frame->eip) & 0xFFFFF);
stack = FP_TO_LINEAR(frame->ss, frame->esp);
stack32 = (uint32_t*)stack;
char *vga = (char*)0xb8000 + (160 * 10);
vga[0] = 'I'; vga[2] = 'P'; int_printWord(frame->eip, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'C'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->cs, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'F'; vga[2] = 'L'; int_printDword(frame->eflags, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga = (char*)0xb8000 + (160 * 11);
vga[0] = 'S'; vga[2] = 'P'; int_printWord(frame->esp, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'S'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->ss, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga = (char*)0xb8000 + (160 * 12);
vga[0] = 'E'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->es, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'D'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->ds, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'F'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->fs, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'G'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->gs, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
//printDword(frame, &vga[20]);
//vga = &vga[38];
//uint32_t *fr = frame;
//for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(struct interrupt_frame)/sizeof(uint32_t); i++) {
// printDword(fr[i], vga);
// vga += (sizeof(uint32_t)*2+1)*2;
//vga = (char*)0xb80A0;
//printDword(ip, &vga[20]);
//vga = &vga[38];
//for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
// printByte(ip[i], vga);
// vga += (sizeof(uint8_t)*2)*2;
vga = (char*)0xb8000 + (160*3);
for(;;) {
switch (ip[0]) {
case 0x66: // O32
is_operand32 = 1;
frame->eip = (uint16_t)(frame->eip + 1);
case 0x67: // A32
is_address32 = 1;
frame->eip = (uint16_t)(frame->eip + 1);
case 0x9C: // PUSHF
if (is_operand32) {
frame->esp = ((frame->esp & 0xffff) - 4) & 0xffff;
stack32[0] = frame->eflags & VALID_FLAGS;
if (v86_if)
stack32[0] |= EFLAG_IF;
stack32[0] &= ~EFLAG_IF;
} else {
frame->esp = ((frame->esp & 0xffff) - 2) & 0xffff;
stack[0] = (uint16_t)frame->eflags;
if (v86_if)
stack[0] |= EFLAG_IF;
stack[0] &= ~EFLAG_IF;
frame->eip = (uint16_t)(frame->eip + 1);
goto done;
case 0x9D: // POPF
if (is_operand32) {
frame->eflags = EFLAG_IF | EFLAG_VM | (stack32[0] & VALID_FLAGS);
v86_if = (stack32[0] & EFLAG_IF) != 0;
frame->esp = ((frame->esp & 0xffff) + 4) & 0xffff;
} else {
frame->eflags = EFLAG_IF | EFLAG_VM | stack[0];
v86_if = (stack[0] & EFLAG_IF) != 0;
frame->esp = ((frame->esp & 0xffff) + 2) & 0xffff;
frame->eip = (uint16_t)(frame->eip + 1);
goto done;
case 0xCD: // INT n
//vga[0] = 'I'; vga[2]++; if (vga[2] < '0') vga[2] = '0';
switch (ip[1]) {
case 0x30:
case 0x3:
stack = &stack[-3];
frame->esp = ((frame->esp & 0xffff) - 6) & 0xffff;
stack[0] = (uint16_t) (frame->eip + 2);
stack[1] = frame->cs;
stack[2] = (uint16_t) frame->eflags;
if (v86_if)
stack[2] |= EFLAG_IF;
stack[2] &= ~EFLAG_IF;
frame->cs = ivt[ip[1] * 2 + 1];
frame->eip = ivt[ip[1] * 2];
goto done;
case 0xCF: // IRET
frame->eip = stack[0];
frame->cs = stack[1];
frame->eflags = EFLAG_IF | EFLAG_VM | stack[2];
v86_if = (stack[2] & EFLAG_IF) != 0;
frame->esp = ((frame->esp & 0xffff) + 6) & 0xffff;
goto done;
case 0xFA: // CLI
v86_if = 0;
frame->eip = (uint16_t) (frame->eip + 1);
goto done;
case 0xFB: // STI
v86_if = 1;
frame->eip = (uint16_t) (frame->eip + 1);
goto done;
vga = (char*)0xb8000 + (160 * 13);
vga[0] = 'I'; vga[2] = 'P'; int_printWord(frame->eip, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'C'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->cs, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'F'; vga[2] = 'L'; int_printDword(frame->eflags, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga = (char*)0xb8000 + (160 * 14);
vga[0] = 'S'; vga[2] = 'P'; int_printWord(frame->esp, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'S'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->ss, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga = (char*)0xb8000 + (160 * 15);
vga[0] = 'E'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->es, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'D'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->ds, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'F'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->fs, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
vga[0] = 'G'; vga[2] = 'S'; int_printWord(frame->gs, (uint16_t*)&vga[4]); vga += 14;
extern void timerHandler();
extern void keyboardHandler();
extern void gpfHandler();
extern void unhandled_handler();
extern void picInit();
void set_system_gate(uint8_t gate, void (*handler)()) {
IDT[gate].offset_1 = (uint32_t)(size_t)handler & 0xFFFF;
IDT[gate].offset_2 = ((uint32_t)(size_t)handler >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
IDT[gate].selector = 0x08;
IDT[gate].type_attributes = 0x8E;
void set_trap_gate(uint8_t gate, void (*handler)()) {
IDT[gate].offset_1 = (uint32_t)(size_t)handler & 0xFFFF;
IDT[gate].offset_2 = ((uint32_t)(size_t)handler >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
IDT[gate].selector = 0x08;
IDT[gate].type_attributes = 0x8F;
void setup_interrupts() {
IDTR.size = 256*8 - 1;
IDTR.offset = (uint32_t)(size_t)IDT;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
*(uint64_t*)&IDT[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
set_trap_gate(i, unhandled_handler);
for (int i = 10; i < 15; i++) {
set_trap_gate(i, unhandled_handler);
for (int i = 16; i < 22; i++) {
set_trap_gate(i, unhandled_handler);
set_system_gate(0x20, timerHandler);
set_system_gate(0x21, keyboardHandler);
//set_trap_gate(13, gpf_handler_v86);
set_trap_gate(13, gpfHandler);
asm volatile("lidt %0": : "m"(IDTR));
asm volatile("sti");