2023-02-10 03:42:53 -06:00
#include "progs.h"
#define BLOCKSIZE 0x10000 // 64K
#define BLOCKMASK ~0xffff // block = (offset & blockMask)
#define BLOCKSHIFT 16 // blockSize = 1 << blockShift
#define MAXFILESIZE 0x80000000 // 2GB
2023-02-10 19:20:17 -06:00
uint16_t writtenMap[TOTALBLOCKS] __attribute__((section(".progbss")));;
uint32_t blockLenMap[TOTALBLOCKS] __attribute__((section(".progbss")));;
2023-02-10 03:42:53 -06:00
// NOTE This is linked at the end of program BSS section,
// so that it can be expanded without telling C how much
// it actually needs
2023-02-10 19:20:17 -06:00
uint8_t writeStoreBase[BLOCKSIZE] __attribute__((section(".proglatebss")));
2023-02-10 03:42:53 -06:00
void HexEditor(uint8_t *path, VOLINFO *vi) {
uint32_t err;
uint16_t *vga_text = (uint16_t *)0xb8000;
uint32_t screenSize = 80*25;
uint8_t *scratch = (uint8_t *)0x20000;
uint8_t (*writeStore)[BLOCKSIZE] = &writeStoreBase;
for (int i = 0; i < TOTALBLOCKS; i++)
writtenMap[i] = 0;
uint8_t *screenBuff = *writeStore;
// First two blocks are screen buffer
uint32_t nextFreeBlock = 2;
vga_text = (uint16_t *)0xb8000;
for (int i = 0; i < 80*50; i++)
vga_text[i] = 0x0f00;
err = DFS_OpenFile(vi, path, DFS_READ | DFS_WRITE, scratch, &fi);
if (err) {
vga_text += printStr("Open Error: ", vga_text);
printDword(err, vga_text);
if (fi.filelen == 0) {
vga_text += printStr("File ", vga_text);
vga_text += printStr((char*)path, vga_text);
vga_text += printStr(" has no data.", vga_text);
if (fi.filelen > MAXFILESIZE) {
vga_text += printStr("File ", vga_text);
vga_text += printStr((char*)path, vga_text);
vga_text += printStr(" is too large (> 2GB).", vga_text);
uint32_t drawOffset = 0, lastDrawOffset = -1;
char cont = 1;
uint32_t byteCount = 16*24, lastByteCount = 0;
// Cursor offset from *drawOff*
int32_t cursorScreenOff = 0, lastCursorScreenOff = -1;
// Pointer to last cursor in *VGA mem*
uint8_t *lastCursorScreenPtr = (uint8_t*)0xb8000;
char cursorNibble = 1, lastCursorNibble = 0;
char cursorRedraw = 1;
char reread = 1, redraw = 1;
uint8_t *currBuff = 0, *nextBuff = 0;
uint32_t currBuffLength, nextBuffLength, totalBuffLength;
uint16_t currLoadedBlock = -1, nextLoadedBlock = -1;
char currInMap = 0, nextInMap = 0;
uint32_t changeOffset = -1, lastChangeOffset = -1;
char fileChanged = 0;
for (;cont;) {
// Check if we need to scroll screen for cursor
// Should never be more than 16 away, if it is,
// things will be caught by sanity checks.
// Scroll Back
if (cursorScreenOff < 0) {
if (drawOffset - 16 < fi.filelen)
drawOffset -= 16;
cursorScreenOff += 16;
// Scroll Forward
if (cursorScreenOff >= byteCount) {
if (drawOffset + 16 < fi.filelen)
drawOffset += 16;
cursorScreenOff -= 16;
// Sanity checks
if (cursorScreenOff >= byteCount)
cursorScreenOff = byteCount - 1;
if (cursorScreenOff + drawOffset >= fi.filelen)
cursorScreenOff = fi.filelen - drawOffset - 1;
if (cursorScreenOff < 0) cursorScreenOff = 0;
if (cursorNibble != lastCursorNibble)
cursorRedraw = 1;
if (cursorScreenOff != lastCursorScreenOff)
cursorRedraw = 1;
if (cursorRedraw) {
const uint32_t hexViewScreenOff = 10 * 2;
const uint32_t asciiViewScreenOff = 61 * 2;
uint16_t *screen = (uint16_t*)0xb8000;
// Byte draw starts on first line
uint16_t *line = &screen[80 * (1 + (cursorScreenOff >> 4))];
uint8_t *cursorPtr = (uint8_t*)line;
if (cursorNibble == 0) {
// Each byte takes 3 chars on screen
cursorPtr += hexViewScreenOff + (cursorScreenOff & 0xF) * 3 * 2;
if ((cursorScreenOff & 0xF) > 7)
cursorPtr += 2;
// Low nibble
cursorPtr += 2;
} else if (cursorNibble == 1) {
// Each byte takes 3 chars on screen
cursorPtr += hexViewScreenOff + (cursorScreenOff & 0xF) * 3 * 2;
if ((cursorScreenOff & 0xF) > 7)
cursorPtr += 2;
// ASCII area
} else {
// Each byte takes 1 char on screen
cursorPtr += asciiViewScreenOff + (cursorScreenOff & 0xF) * 2;
// We want the color byte, not char
if (cursorPtr != lastCursorScreenPtr) {
*lastCursorScreenPtr = 0x0f;
*cursorPtr = 0xf0;
lastCursorScreenPtr = cursorPtr;
lastCursorScreenOff = cursorScreenOff;
lastCursorNibble = cursorNibble;
cursorRedraw = 0;
if ((drawOffset & BLOCKMASK) != (lastDrawOffset & BLOCKMASK)) {
lastDrawOffset = (drawOffset & BLOCKMASK);
reread = 1;
redraw = 1;
if (drawOffset != lastDrawOffset) {
lastDrawOffset = drawOffset;
redraw = 1;
if (byteCount != lastByteCount) {
lastByteCount = byteCount;
redraw = 1;
if (changeOffset != lastChangeOffset) {
redraw = 1;
lastChangeOffset = changeOffset;
// Check for changes to block
if (changeOffset != -1) {
char isCurr = changeOffset < BLOCKSIZE;
char changeInMap = isCurr ? currInMap : nextInMap;
uint8_t *changedBlock = isCurr ? currBuff : nextBuff;
// If changes are in map we don't need to do anything
if (!changeInMap) {
uint16_t loadedBlock = isCurr ? currLoadedBlock : nextLoadedBlock;
uint16_t storeBlockIdx = writtenMap[loadedBlock];
// Add a new map entry
if (!storeBlockIdx) {
writtenMap[loadedBlock] = storeBlockIdx = nextFreeBlock++;
blockLenMap[loadedBlock] = isCurr ? currBuffLength : nextBuffLength;
uint8_t *storeBlock = writeStore[storeBlockIdx];
for (int i = 0; i < BLOCKSIZE; i++)
storeBlock[i] = changedBlock[i];
// Move the current buffer to map
if (isCurr) { currBuff = storeBlock; currInMap = 1; }
else { nextBuff = storeBlock; nextInMap = 1; }
changeOffset = -1;
fileChanged = 1;
redraw = 1;
if (reread) {
// TODO We should probably check if we already have
// the block to read in nextBuff from previous stuff
// We are in a modified block
uint16_t newBlock = drawOffset >> BLOCKSHIFT;
if (writtenMap[newBlock]) {
currBuff = writeStore[writtenMap[newBlock]];
currBuffLength = blockLenMap[newBlock];
totalBuffLength = currBuffLength;
currInMap = 1;
// We are in an unmodified block
} else {
uint32_t blockOffset = drawOffset & BLOCKMASK;
vga_text = &((uint16_t*)0xb8000)[80];
DFS_Seek(&fi, blockOffset, scratch);
if (fi.pointer != blockOffset) {
vga_text += printStr("Seek Error", vga_text);
err = DFS_ReadFile(&fi, scratch, screenBuff, &currBuffLength, BLOCKSIZE);
if (err && err != DFS_EOF) {
vga_text += printStr("Read Error: ", vga_text);
printDword(err, vga_text);
currBuff = screenBuff;
totalBuffLength = currBuffLength;
currInMap = 0;
currLoadedBlock = newBlock;
reread = 0;
nextInMap = 0;
// We will be drawing stuff in the next block
// TODO This would be better served with nice functions!
if (currBuffLength == BLOCKSIZE && (drawOffset & ~BLOCKMASK) > (BLOCKSIZE - byteCount)) {
// TODO We should probably check if we already have
// the next block in currBuff from previous stuff
// Next is a modified block
uint16_t newBlock = (drawOffset >> BLOCKSHIFT) + 1;
if (nextLoadedBlock != newBlock) {
if (writtenMap[newBlock]) {
nextBuffLength = blockLenMap[newBlock];
nextBuff = writeStore[writtenMap[newBlock]];
nextInMap = 1;
// Next is an unmodified block
} else {
uint32_t blockOffset = (drawOffset & BLOCKMASK) + BLOCKSIZE;
vga_text = &((uint16_t*)0xb8000)[80];
DFS_Seek(&fi, blockOffset, scratch);
if (fi.pointer != blockOffset) {
vga_text += printStr("Seek Error", vga_text);
err = DFS_ReadFile(&fi, scratch, &screenBuff[BLOCKSIZE], &nextBuffLength, BLOCKSIZE);
if (err && err != DFS_EOF) {
vga_text += printStr("Read Error: ", vga_text);
printDword(err, vga_text);
nextBuff = &screenBuff[BLOCKSIZE];
nextInMap = 0;
nextLoadedBlock = newBlock;
totalBuffLength = currBuffLength + nextBuffLength;
if (redraw) {
vga_text = (uint16_t *)0xb8000;
const char prnt[] = "Scroll: Up/Down PgUp/PgDown Home/End Exit: F1";
2023-02-10 22:17:03 -06:00
vga_text = &((uint16_t*)0xb8000)[0];
char pathBuff[22];
trimPath((char*)path, pathBuff, sizeof(pathBuff));
vga_text += printStr(pathBuff, vga_text);
vga_text += printChar(fileChanged ? '*' : ' ', vga_text);
for (;vga_text < &((uint16_t*)0xb8000)[80-sizeof(prnt)];)
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
2023-02-10 03:42:53 -06:00
vga_text += printStr((char*)prnt, vga_text);
vga_text = &((uint16_t*)0xb8000)[80];
uint32_t offsetInBuff = drawOffset & ~BLOCKMASK;
uint8_t *drawFromBuff = &currBuff[offsetInBuff];
uint32_t maxDrawLen = totalBuffLength - (drawOffset & ~BLOCKMASK);
for (int i = 0; i < maxDrawLen && i < byteCount; i += 16) {
// Blocks are BLOCKSIZE aligned, so 16-byte alignment should work
if (i + offsetInBuff >= BLOCKSIZE) {
drawFromBuff = &nextBuff[-i];
offsetInBuff = 0;
vga_text += printDword(i + drawOffset, vga_text);
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
if (i + j < maxDrawLen)
vga_text += printByte(drawFromBuff[i + j], vga_text);
else {
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
if (j == 7)
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
vga_text += printChar('|', vga_text);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
if (i + j < maxDrawLen)
vga_text += printChar(drawFromBuff[i + j], vga_text);
else vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
vga_text += printChar('|', vga_text);
2023-02-10 04:45:47 -06:00
vga_text = nextLine(vga_text,(uint16_t*)0xb8000);
2023-02-10 03:42:53 -06:00
// Clear remainder of screen
for (;vga_text < &((uint16_t*)0xb8000)[screenSize]; vga_text++)
*vga_text = 0x0f00;
redraw = 0;
uint16_t key = get_scancode();
union V86Regs_t regs;
FARPTR v86_entry;
char try_edit = 0;
switch (key & 0xff) {
case KEY_DOWN:
// Stay in file
if ((cursorScreenOff + 16 + drawOffset) < fi.filelen)
cursorScreenOff += 16;
case KEY_UP:
// Stay in file
if ((uint32_t)(cursorScreenOff - 16 + drawOffset) < fi.filelen)
cursorScreenOff -= 16;
case KEY_LEFT:
if (cursorNibble == 0) { cursorNibble = 1; break; }
// Exiting text area
else if (cursorNibble == 2 && (cursorScreenOff & 0xF) == 0) {
cursorNibble = 0;
cursorScreenOff |= 0xF;
// Stay in file
} else if ((cursorScreenOff - 1 + drawOffset) < fi.filelen) {
if (cursorNibble == 1) cursorNibble = 0;
if (cursorNibble == 1) { cursorNibble = 0; break; }
// Entering text area
else if (cursorNibble == 0 && (cursorScreenOff & 0xF) == 0xF) {
cursorNibble = 2;
cursorScreenOff &= ~0xF;
// Stay in file
} else if ((cursorScreenOff + 1 + drawOffset) < fi.filelen) {
if (cursorNibble == 0) cursorNibble = 1;
if (drawOffset + byteCount < fi.filelen)
drawOffset += byteCount;
else if ((fi.filelen / byteCount) * byteCount > drawOffset)
drawOffset = (fi.filelen / byteCount) * byteCount;
case KEY_PGUP:
if (drawOffset - byteCount < fi.filelen)
drawOffset -= byteCount;
else drawOffset = 0;
case KEY_HOME:
cursorScreenOff &= ~0xF;
if (cursorNibble == 0) cursorNibble = 1;
case KEY_END:
cursorScreenOff |= 0xF;
if (cursorNibble == 1) cursorNibble = 0;
case KEY_F1:
cont = 0;
case KEY_F3: // start of file
drawOffset = 0;
case KEY_F4: // end of file
if ((fi.filelen / byteCount) * byteCount > drawOffset)
drawOffset = (fi.filelen / byteCount) * byteCount;
case KEY_F6: // TODO write file
case KEY_F2:
if (byteCount != 16*24) {
screenSize = 80*25;
byteCount = 16*24;
case KEY_F5:
if (byteCount != 16*49) {
screenSize = 80*50;
byteCount = 16*49;
try_edit = 1;
if (!try_edit) continue;
// Check if in range
char k = key >> 8; // ASCII portion
char v;
if (cursorNibble == 2 && k >= 0x20 && k <= 0x7E) v = k;
else if (k >= '0' && k <= '9')
v = k - '0';
else if (k >= 'a' && k <= 'f')
v = k - 'a' + 0xA;
else if (k >= 'A' && k <= 'F')
v = k - 'A' + 0xA;
else continue;
// Change buffer at cursor
uint32_t screenOffsetInBuff = drawOffset & ~BLOCKMASK;
changeOffset = screenOffsetInBuff + cursorScreenOff;
char isCurr = changeOffset < BLOCKSIZE;
uint8_t *changeBuff = isCurr ? currBuff : nextBuff;
uint32_t changeOffsetInBuff = isCurr ? changeOffset : changeOffset - BLOCKSIZE;
if (cursorNibble == 0)
changeBuff[changeOffsetInBuff] = (changeBuff[changeOffsetInBuff] & 0xF0) | v;
else if (cursorNibble == 1)
changeBuff[changeOffsetInBuff] = (changeBuff[changeOffsetInBuff] & 0x0F) | (v << 4);
else changeBuff[changeOffsetInBuff] = v;
redraw = 1;
if (!fileChanged) return;
vga_text = (uint16_t*)0xb8000;
2023-02-10 22:17:03 -06:00
char pathBuff[23];
trimPath((char*)path, pathBuff, sizeof(pathBuff));
vga_text += printStr(pathBuff, vga_text);
vga_text += printChar(fileChanged ? '*' : ' ', vga_text);
2023-02-10 03:42:53 -06:00
vga_text += printChar(' ', vga_text);
vga_text += printStr("Save changes to file? (Y/N)", vga_text);
for (;vga_text < &((uint16_t*)0xb8000)[80];vga_text++)
*vga_text = 0x0f00;
uint16_t key=0;
for(;(key & 0xff) != KEY_N && (key & 0xff) != KEY_Y;key = get_scancode());
if ((key & 0xff) != KEY_Y) return;
// Write changes
for (int i = 0; i < TOTALBLOCKS && (i << BLOCKSHIFT) < fi.filelen; i++) {
// No change in current block
uint16_t blockIdx = writtenMap[i];
uint32_t blockLen = blockLenMap[i];
if (!blockIdx) continue;
// Write block to file
uint32_t successcount;
uint32_t blockOff = i << BLOCKSHIFT;
DFS_Seek(&fi, blockOff, scratch);
if (fi.pointer != blockOff) {
vga_text = (uint16_t*)0xb8000;
vga_text += printStr("Seek Error ", vga_text);
uint32_t err = DFS_WriteFile(&fi, scratch, writeStore[blockIdx], &successcount, blockLen);
if (successcount < blockLen || err) {
vga_text = (uint16_t*)0xb8000;
vga_text += printStr("Write Error ", vga_text);