global _start [bits 32] [section .text] ;%define LINE_LEN 11 ;%define LINE_CNT 10 %define LINE_LEN 101 %define LINE_CNT 100 %define CYCLE_CNT 1000000000 %include "utils.s" _start: push CYCLE_CNT fucking: mov eax, [esp] and eax, 0xfffff jnz north mov eax, [esp] call print_dec call newline ; north cycle north: ; init next spots mov edi, next_spot mov eax, file .init_spots: stosd inc eax cmp eax, file+LINE_LEN jb .init_spots mov esi, file ; for chars in line .do_stuff: xor ebx, ebx ; col num jmp .loop .cont: inc ebx ; col num .loop: lodsb cmp al, 10 ; \n je .line_done cmp al, '#' je .cube_rock cmp al, 'O' je .round_rock ; else . jmp .cont .cube_rock: ; move next spot to next line lea eax, [esi+LINE_LEN-1] mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax jmp .cont .round_rock: ; move rock mov byte [esi-1], '.' mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] mov byte [edi], 'O' ; move next spot to next line add dword [next_spot+ebx*4], LINE_LEN jmp .cont .line_done: cmp esi, file.over jb .do_stuff ;mov esi, file ;mov ecx, file.over - file ;call print_string ;call newline ; west cycle west: ; init next spots mov edi, next_spot mov eax, file ; start of first line .init_spots: stosd add eax, LINE_LEN ; start of next line cmp eax, file+(LINE_LEN*LINE_CNT) jb .init_spots mov esi, file ; start of first col mov edx, esi ; save this whatever ; for chars in col .do_stuff: xor ebx, ebx ; line num jmp .loop .cont: inc ebx ; line num cmp esi, file.over jae .line_done .loop: mov al, [esi] add esi, LINE_LEN ; next line cmp al, '#' je .cube_rock cmp al, 'O' je .round_rock ; else . jmp .cont .cube_rock: ; move next spot to next column lea eax, [esi-LINE_LEN+1] mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax jmp .cont .round_rock: ; move rock mov byte [esi-LINE_LEN], '.' mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] mov byte [edi], 'O' ; move next spot to next column inc dword [next_spot+ebx*4] jmp .cont .line_done: inc edx ; next col mov esi, edx cmp esi, file+LINE_LEN jb .do_stuff ;mov esi, file ;mov ecx, file.over - file ;call print_string ;call newline ; south cycle south: ; init next spots mov edi, next_spot mov eax, file+((LINE_CNT-1)*LINE_LEN) ; start of final line .init_spots: stosd inc eax cmp eax, file+(LINE_CNT*LINE_LEN) jb .init_spots mov esi, file+((LINE_CNT-1)*LINE_LEN) ; start of final line ; for chars in line .do_stuff: xor ebx, ebx ; col num jmp .loop .cont: inc ebx ; col num .loop: lodsb cmp al, 10 ; \n je .line_done cmp al, '#' je .cube_rock cmp al, 'O' je .round_rock ; else . jmp .cont .cube_rock: ; move next spot to previous line lea eax, [esi-LINE_LEN-1] mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax jmp .cont .round_rock: ; move rock mov byte [esi-1], '.' mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] mov byte [edi], 'O' ; move next spot to previous line sub dword [next_spot+ebx*4], LINE_LEN jmp .cont .line_done: sub esi, LINE_LEN*2 cmp esi, file jae .do_stuff ;mov esi, file ;mov ecx, file.over - file ;call print_string ;call newline ; east cycle east: ; init next spots mov edi, next_spot mov eax, file+LINE_LEN-2 ; end of first line .init_spots: stosd add eax, LINE_LEN ; end of next line cmp eax, file.over jb .init_spots mov esi, file+LINE_LEN-2 ; end of first col mov edx, esi ; save this whatever ; for chars in col .do_stuff: xor ebx, ebx ; line num jmp .loop .cont: inc ebx ; line num cmp esi, file.over jae .line_done .loop: mov al, [esi] add esi, LINE_LEN ; next line cmp al, '#' je .cube_rock cmp al, 'O' je .round_rock ; else . jmp .cont .cube_rock: ; move next spot to previous column lea eax, [esi-LINE_LEN-1] mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax jmp .cont .round_rock: ; move rock mov byte [esi-LINE_LEN], '.' mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] mov byte [edi], 'O' ; move next spot to previous column dec dword [next_spot+ebx*4] jmp .cont .line_done: dec edx ; previous col mov esi, edx cmp esi, file jae .do_stuff ;mov esi, file ;mov ecx, file.over - file ;call print_string ;call newline mov dword [final_value], 0 int_calc_load: xor ebx, ebx ; line num mov edi, file+((LINE_CNT-1)*LINE_LEN) ; start of final line .proc_line: inc ebx mov esi, edi mov ecx, LINE_CNT ; skip \n xor edx, edx ; O cnt .add_stuff: lodsb cmp al, 'O' jne .cont inc edx .cont: loop .add_stuff mov eax, edx mul ebx add [final_value], eax sub edi, LINE_LEN cmp edi, file jae .proc_line mov eax, [final_value] mov esi, answer_bs check_answers: cmp esi, answer_bs.end jb .w mov esi, error_str mov ecx, error_str.end - error_str call print_string jmp exit .w: cmp dword [esi], 0 je .new cmp [esi], eax je .found .cont: mov ebx, CYCLE_CNT sub ebx, [esp] mov edx, ebx sub edx, 1000 cmp [esi+4], edx jb .new add esi, 16 jmp check_answers .new: mov [esi], eax mov ebx, CYCLE_CNT sub ebx, [esp] mov [esi+4], ebx mov dword [esi+8], 0 ; cycle mov dword [esi+12], 1 ; seen times jmp .whatever .found: mov ebx, CYCLE_CNT sub ebx, [esp] ; found num mov edx, ebx sub edx, [esi+4] ; last found num cmp dword [esi+8], 1 jbe .first_seen cmp edx, [esi+8] ; last cycle jne .cont mov [esi+4], ebx inc dword [esi+12] ; seen times cmp dword [esi+12], 5 jl .whatever mov eax, CYCLE_CNT-1 sub eax, dword [esi+4] xor edx, edx div dword [esi+8] test edx, edx jnz .whatever mov dword [esp], 1 jmp .whatever .first_seen: mov [esi+4], ebx mov [esi+8], edx inc dword [esi+12] ; seen times .whatever: dec dword [esp] jnz fucking print_answer_cycles: mov esi, answer_bs .loop: cmp dword [esi], 0 je game_over cmp dword [esi+12], 5 jl .cont mov eax, dword [esi] call print_dec call space mov eax, dword [esi+4] call print_dec call space mov eax, dword [esi+8] call print_dec call space mov eax, dword [esi+12] call print_dec call space cmp dword [esi+8], 1 jbe .zeroorone mov eax, CYCLE_CNT-1 sub eax, dword [esi+4] xor edx, edx div dword [esi+8] mov eax, edx call print_dec ; one of these that gets printed as 0 is answer .zeroorone: call newline .cont: add esi, 16 jmp .loop game_over: jmp exit [section .data] final_value: dd 0 file: incbin "input" .over: error_str: db ":c too much super num" .end: [section .bss] next_spot: resd 128 answer_bs: resd 1024 ; increase if failing ig .end: