From 7a619a48c3ded8cf271a233c8ef9f08acb3fc7e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lucia Ceionia Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:11:15 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] day 14 part 1&2 --- 14/Makefile | 3 + 14/input | 101 ++++++++++++++ 14/input_test | 11 ++ 14/main.s | 361 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 14/main_part1.s | 74 ++++++++++ 14/utils.s | 258 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 808 insertions(+) create mode 100644 14/Makefile create mode 100644 14/input create mode 100644 14/input_test create mode 100644 14/main.s create mode 100644 14/main_part1.s create mode 100644 14/utils.s diff --git a/14/Makefile b/14/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..573eb71 --- /dev/null +++ b/14/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +all: + nasm -g -felf32 main.s && ld -melf_i386 -g main.o + diff --git a/14/input b/14/input new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bbedd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/14/input @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ 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+.do_stuff: +xor ebx, ebx ; col num +jmp .loop +.cont: +inc ebx ; col num +.loop: +lodsb +cmp al, 10 ; \n +je .line_done +cmp al, '#' +je .cube_rock +cmp al, 'O' +je .round_rock +; else . +jmp .cont +.cube_rock: +; move next spot to next line +lea eax, [esi+LINE_LEN-1] +mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax +jmp .cont +.round_rock: +; move rock +mov byte [esi-1], '.' +mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] +mov byte [edi], 'O' +; move next spot to next line +add dword [next_spot+ebx*4], LINE_LEN +jmp .cont +.line_done: +cmp esi, file.over +jb .do_stuff + +;mov esi, file +;mov ecx, file.over - file +;call print_string +;call newline + +; west cycle +west: +; init next spots +mov edi, next_spot +mov eax, file ; start of first line +.init_spots: +stosd +add eax, LINE_LEN ; start of next line +cmp eax, file+(LINE_LEN*LINE_CNT) +jb .init_spots +mov esi, file ; start of first col +mov edx, esi ; save this whatever +; for chars in col +.do_stuff: +xor ebx, ebx ; line num +jmp .loop +.cont: +inc ebx ; line num +cmp esi, file.over +jae .line_done +.loop: +mov al, [esi] +add esi, LINE_LEN ; next line +cmp al, '#' +je .cube_rock +cmp al, 'O' +je .round_rock +; else . +jmp .cont +.cube_rock: +; move next spot to next column +lea eax, [esi-LINE_LEN+1] +mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax +jmp .cont +.round_rock: +; move rock +mov byte [esi-LINE_LEN], '.' +mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] +mov byte [edi], 'O' +; move next spot to next column +inc dword [next_spot+ebx*4] +jmp .cont +.line_done: +inc edx ; next col +mov esi, edx +cmp esi, file+LINE_LEN +jb .do_stuff + +;mov esi, file +;mov ecx, file.over - file +;call print_string +;call newline + +; south cycle +south: +; init next spots +mov edi, next_spot +mov eax, file+((LINE_CNT-1)*LINE_LEN) ; start of final line +.init_spots: +stosd +inc eax +cmp eax, file+(LINE_CNT*LINE_LEN) +jb .init_spots +mov esi, file+((LINE_CNT-1)*LINE_LEN) ; start of final line +; for chars in line +.do_stuff: +xor ebx, ebx ; col num +jmp .loop +.cont: +inc ebx ; col num +.loop: +lodsb +cmp al, 10 ; \n +je .line_done +cmp al, '#' +je .cube_rock +cmp al, 'O' +je .round_rock +; else . +jmp .cont +.cube_rock: +; move next spot to previous line +lea eax, [esi-LINE_LEN-1] +mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax +jmp .cont +.round_rock: +; move rock +mov byte [esi-1], '.' +mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] +mov byte [edi], 'O' +; move next spot to previous line +sub dword [next_spot+ebx*4], LINE_LEN +jmp .cont +.line_done: +sub esi, LINE_LEN*2 +cmp esi, file +jae .do_stuff + +;mov esi, file +;mov ecx, file.over - file +;call print_string +;call newline + +; east cycle +east: +; init next spots +mov edi, next_spot +mov eax, file+LINE_LEN-2 ; end of first line +.init_spots: +stosd +add eax, LINE_LEN ; end of next line +cmp eax, file.over +jb .init_spots +mov esi, file+LINE_LEN-2 ; end of first col +mov edx, esi ; save this whatever +; for chars in col +.do_stuff: +xor ebx, ebx ; line num +jmp .loop +.cont: +inc ebx ; line num +cmp esi, file.over +jae .line_done +.loop: +mov al, [esi] +add esi, LINE_LEN ; next line +cmp al, '#' +je .cube_rock +cmp al, 'O' +je .round_rock +; else . +jmp .cont +.cube_rock: +; move next spot to previous column +lea eax, [esi-LINE_LEN-1] +mov [next_spot+ebx*4], eax +jmp .cont +.round_rock: +; move rock +mov byte [esi-LINE_LEN], '.' +mov edi, [next_spot+ebx*4] +mov byte [edi], 'O' +; move next spot to previous column +dec dword [next_spot+ebx*4] +jmp .cont +.line_done: +dec edx ; previous col +mov esi, edx +cmp esi, file +jae .do_stuff + +;mov esi, file +;mov ecx, file.over - file +;call print_string +;call newline + +mov dword [final_value], 0 +int_calc_load: +xor ebx, ebx ; line num +mov edi, file+((LINE_CNT-1)*LINE_LEN) ; start of final line +.proc_line: +inc ebx +mov esi, edi +mov ecx, LINE_CNT ; skip \n +xor edx, edx ; O cnt +.add_stuff: +lodsb +cmp al, 'O' +jne .cont +inc edx +.cont: +loop .add_stuff +mov eax, edx +mul ebx +add [final_value], eax +sub edi, LINE_LEN +cmp edi, file +jae .proc_line + +mov eax, [final_value] +mov esi, answer_bs +check_answers: +cmp esi, answer_bs.end +jb .w +mov esi, error_str +mov ecx, error_str.end - error_str +call print_string +jmp exit +.w: +cmp dword [esi], 0 +je .new +cmp [esi], eax +je .found +.cont: +mov ebx, CYCLE_CNT +sub ebx, [esp] +mov edx, ebx +sub edx, 1000 +cmp [esi+4], edx +jb .new +add esi, 16 +jmp check_answers +mov [esi], eax +mov ebx, CYCLE_CNT +sub ebx, [esp] +mov [esi+4], ebx +mov dword [esi+8], 0 ; cycle +mov dword [esi+12], 1 ; seen times +jmp .whatever +.found: +mov ebx, CYCLE_CNT +sub ebx, [esp] ; found num +mov edx, ebx +sub edx, [esi+4] ; last found num +cmp dword [esi+8], 1 +jbe .first_seen +cmp edx, [esi+8] ; last cycle +jne .cont +mov [esi+4], ebx +inc dword [esi+12] ; seen times +cmp dword [esi+12], 5 +jl .whatever +mov eax, CYCLE_CNT-1 +sub eax, dword [esi+4] +xor edx, edx +div dword [esi+8] +test edx, edx +jnz .whatever +mov dword [esp], 1 +jmp .whatever +.first_seen: +mov [esi+4], ebx +mov [esi+8], edx +inc dword [esi+12] ; seen times + +.whatever: +dec dword [esp] +jnz fucking + +print_answer_cycles: +mov esi, answer_bs +.loop: +cmp dword [esi], 0 +je game_over +cmp dword [esi+12], 5 +jl .cont +mov eax, dword [esi] +call print_dec +call space +mov eax, dword [esi+4] +call print_dec +call space +mov eax, dword [esi+8] +call print_dec +call space +mov eax, dword [esi+12] +call print_dec +call space +cmp dword [esi+8], 1 +jbe .zeroorone +mov eax, CYCLE_CNT-1 +sub eax, dword [esi+4] +xor edx, edx +div dword [esi+8] +mov eax, edx +call print_dec ; one of these that gets printed as 0 is answer +.zeroorone: +call newline +.cont: +add esi, 16 +jmp .loop + +game_over: +jmp exit + +[section .data] +final_value: dd 0 +file: incbin "input" +.over: +error_str: db ":c too much super num" +.end: + +[section .bss] +next_spot: resd 128 +answer_bs: resd 1024 ; increase if failing ig +.end: diff --git a/14/main_part1.s b/14/main_part1.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000..223242d --- /dev/null +++ b/14/main_part1.s @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +global _start +[bits 32] +[section .text] + +%include "utils.s" + +_start: + +mov esi, file +xor ebp, ebp ; line num +; for chars in line +do_line: +xor ebx, ebx ; col num +jmp .loop +.cont: +inc ebx ; col num +.loop: +lodsb +cmp al, 10 ; \n +je line_done +cmp al, '#' +je .cube_rock +cmp al, 'O' +je .round_rock +; else . +jmp .cont +.cube_rock: +; move the next spot to after this +lea eax, [ebp+1] +mov [col_next_spot+ebx], al +jmp .cont +.round_rock: +; add to next spot line load +movzx eax, byte [col_next_spot+ebx] +inc byte [line_load_cnt+eax] +; increment next spot +inc byte [col_next_spot+ebx] +jmp .cont +line_done: +inc ebp ; line num +cmp esi, file.over +jb do_line + +lea ecx, [ebp-1] +output_loads: +mov ebx, ebp +sub ebx, ecx +mov eax, ebx +call print_dec +call space +movzx eax, byte [ecx+line_load_cnt-1] +call print_dec +call space +mul ebx +call print_dec +call newline +add [final_value], eax +loop output_loads + +game_over: +mov eax, [final_value] +call print_dec +call newline +jmp exit + +[section .data] +line_len: dd 0 +final_value: dd 0 +file: incbin "input" +.over: + +[section .bss] +col_next_spot: resb 128 +line_load_cnt: resb 128 diff --git a/14/utils.s b/14/utils.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000..089c245 --- /dev/null +++ b/14/utils.s @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +; call # val val2 +; int $0x80 eax eax edx - +; +; arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 +; ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp - + +exit: +mov eax, 1 ; exit +int 0x80 + +; filename in EBX +; return handle in EBX +; read only +open_file: +push eax +push ecx +mov eax, 5 ; open +xor ecx, ecx ; read only +int 0x80 +mov ebx, eax +pop ecx +pop eax +ret + +; file handle in EBX +; buffer in ECX +; count of bytes to read in EDX +; return bytes actually read in EAX +; exits on error +read_file: +mov eax, 3 ; read +int 0x80 +test eax, eax +js .err +ret +.err: +mov eax, 4 ; write +mov ebx, 1 ; stdout +mov ecx, .err_str +mov edx, 21 +int 0x80 +jmp exit +.err_str: db `Could not read file.\n` + +; string input in ESI +; value in EAX +; CF set if none, clear if some +; ESI set past checked area +dec_parse: +push ebx +push edx +push edi +xor eax, eax +xor edi, edi +mov ebx, 10 ; base +lodsb +sub al, '0' +js .no_input +cmp al, 9 +jle .got_char +.no_input: +stc ; set CF +jmp .done +.loop: +xor eax,eax +lodsb +sub al, '0' +js .dec_done +cmp al, 9 +jg .dec_done +.got_char: +xchg edi,eax +mul ebx +add edi,eax +jmp .loop +.dec_done: +clc ; clear CF +.done: +mov eax,edi +pop edi +pop edx +pop ebx +ret + +; string input in ESI +; value in EAX +; CF set if none, clear if some +; ESI set past checked area +sign_dec_parse: +push ebx +push ecx +push edx +push edi +xor eax, eax +xor edi, edi +xor ecx, ecx ; neg flag +mov ebx, 10 ; base +cmp byte [esi], '-' +jne .no_minus +inc esi +mov cl, 1 +.no_minus: +lodsb +sub al, '0' +js .no_input +cmp al, 9 +jle .got_char +.no_input: +stc ; set CF +jmp .done +.loop: +xor eax,eax +lodsb +sub al, '0' +js .dec_done +cmp al, 9 +jg .dec_done +.got_char: +xchg edi,eax +mul ebx +add edi,eax +jmp .loop +.dec_done: +test ecx, ecx +jz .not_neg +neg edi +.not_neg: +clc ; clear CF +.done: +mov eax,edi +pop edi +pop edx +pop ecx +pop ebx +ret + +; modifies no regs +newline: +pushad +push 10 +mov eax, 4 ; write +mov ebx, 1 ; stdout +mov ecx, esp ; string +mov edx, 1 ; length +int 0x80 +add esp, 4 +popad +ret +; modifies no regs +space: +pushad +push 9 +mov eax, 4 ; write +mov ebx, 1 ; stdout +mov ecx, esp ; string +mov edx, 1 ; length +int 0x80 +add esp, 4 +popad +ret + +; input in EAX, all regs unmodified +print_dec: +pushad ; save regs +; max 4294967296 is 10 chars +; round to nearest 32-bit boundary +sub esp, 12 +; string in ECX, length in EDX +lea ecx, [esp+11] ; last possible byte +; check for 0 +test eax, eax +jz .zero +mov ebx, 10 ; base 10 +xor esi, esi ; counter +.div_shit: +xor edx, edx +; divide +div ebx +dec ecx ; next char +inc esi +; store +add dl, '0' +mov byte [ecx], dl +; check if done +test eax, eax +jnz .div_shit ; continue +mov edx, esi ; counter in edx +jmp .write +mov byte [ecx], '0' +mov edx, 1 ; length +.write: +mov eax, 4 ; write +mov ebx, 1 ; stdout +int 0x80 +add esp, 12 ; restore stack +popad ; restore regs +ret + +; input in EAX, all regs unmodified +print_sign_dec: +pushad ; save regs +; range -2147483648 to 2147483647 is 11 chars +; round to nearest 32-bit boundary +sub esp, 12 +; string in ECX, length in EDX +lea ecx, [esp+11] ; last possible byte +; check for 0, negative +xor ebp, ebp +test eax, eax +jz .zero +jns .positive +neg eax +mov ebp, 1 +.positive: +mov ebx, 10 ; base 10 +xor esi, esi ; counter +.div_shit: +xor edx, edx +; divide +div ebx +dec ecx ; next char +inc esi +; store +add dl, '0' +mov byte [ecx], dl +; check if done +test eax, eax +jnz .div_shit ; continue +mov edx, esi ; counter in edx +jmp .write +mov byte [ecx], '0' +mov edx, 1 ; length +.write: +test ebp, ebp +jz .no_minus +dec ecx +inc edx +mov byte [ecx], '-' +.no_minus: +mov eax, 4 ; write +mov ebx, 1 ; stdout +int 0x80 +add esp, 12 ; restore stack +popad ; restore regs +ret + +; input in ESI, len in ECX, all regs unmodified +print_string: +pushad ; save regs +mov eax, 4 ; write +mov ebx, 1 ; stdout +mov edx, ecx ; length +mov ecx, esi ; string +int 0x80 +popad ; restore regs +ret