
150 lines
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2023-12-18 14:04:47 -06:00
%include "utils.s"
global _start
[bits 32]
[section .text]
%define FILENAME "input"
;%define FILENAME "input_test"
;%define PRINT
mov esi, file
mov edi, array+1024*512+512 ; like, the middle idk
mov byte [edi], 1 ; filled!
cmp esi, file.over
jae .done
lodsb ; RDLU
%ifdef PRINT
call print_char
call space
mov ebx, eax
inc esi ; space
call dec_parse ; count
%ifdef PRINT
call print_dec
call newline
; skip to next line
add esi, 10
; put in array
cmp bl, 'R'
mov ecx, 1
cmove edx, ecx
cmp bl, 'L'
mov ecx, -1
cmove edx, ecx
cmp bl, 'D'
mov ecx, 1024
cmove edx, ecx
cmp bl, 'U'
mov ecx, -1024
cmove edx, ecx
mov ecx, eax
add edi, edx
mov byte [edi], 1
loop .draw
jmp proc_line
%ifdef PRINT
call newline
mov esi, array
xor ecx, ecx
mov bl, '.'
test al, al
mov dl, '#'
cmovnz bx, dx
mov al, bl
call print_char
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 1024*1024
jae .done
mov ebx, ecx
and ebx, 1023
jnz .inner
call newline
jmp .inner
call newline
xor ecx, ecx ; x = 0
xor ebx, ebx ; y = 0
mov ebp, 1024*1024 ; count
call flood_fill
jmp flood_done
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, 10
cmp byte [array+eax+ecx], 0
je .zero
dec ebp
mov byte [array+eax+ecx], 1
sub esp, 8
mov [esp+4], ecx
mov [esp+0], ebx
cmp ecx, 1023
je .t_left
inc ecx
call flood_fill
mov ecx, [esp+4]
cmp ecx, 0
je .t_down
dec ecx
call flood_fill
mov ecx, [esp+4]
cmp ebx, 1023
je .t_up
inc ebx
call flood_fill
mov ebx, [esp+0]
cmp ebx, 0
je .ret
dec ebx
call flood_fill
mov ebx, [esp+0]
add esp, 8
mov [final_value], ebp
mov eax, [final_value]
call print_dec
call newline
jmp exit
p_string panic_str
jmp exit
[section .data]
final_value: dd 0
file: incbin FILENAME
[section .bss]
array: resb 1024*1024
[section .rodata]
panic_str: db 10, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!11111111", 10