
125 lines
1.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-12-12 09:36:26 -06:00
global _start
[bits 32]
[section .text]
%include "utils.s"
mov esi, file
; find first num
mov ebp, esi ; line start
mov edi, esi ; save before loc
call dec_parse
jc .first_num
; edi has pointer to just before numbers
mov ecx, edi
sub ecx, ebp
dec ecx ; space
xchg esi, ebp
mov [line_len], ecx
mov edi, line
rep movsb
xchg esi, ebp
mov dword [contiguous_broken+ 0], 0
mov dword [contiguous_broken+ 4], 0
mov dword [contiguous_broken+ 8], 0
mov dword [contiguous_broken+12], 0
mov edi, contiguous_broken
cmp byte [esi-1], 10 ; \n
je .newline
call dec_parse
jc .next_num
jmp .next_num
push esi ; save input line
mov esi, line
mov ecx, [line_len]
xor ebx, ebx
cmp al, '?'
jne .cont
rcl ebx, 1
loop count_qs
push ebx ; ? final setting
xor ebp, ebp ; ? settings
xor ebx, ebx ; poss counter
mov edx, ebp
mov esi, line
mov ecx, [line_len]
xor eax, eax ; ah - curr broke run, al - lodsb
mov edi, contiguous_broken
cmp al, '.'
je .working
cmp al, '#'
je .broke
; else ? - select based on edx
rcr edx, 1
jc .broke
cmp ah, 0
je .cont ; no broke
cmp [edi], ah
jne .fail_poss
inc edi
mov ah, 0
jmp .cont
inc ah
loop .next_poss_loop
cmp [edi], ah
jne .fail_poss
cmp byte [edi+1], 0
jne .fail_poss
inc ebx ; poss counter
mov eax, ebp
;call print_dec
;call space
inc ebp ; ? settings
cmp ebp, [esp] ; cmp to final
jbe .next_poss
;call newline
mov eax, ebx
call print_dec
call newline
add [final_value], ebx
add esp, 4
pop esi
cmp esi, file.over-1
jb parse_line
call newline
mov eax, [final_value]
call print_dec
call newline
jmp exit
[section .data]
final_value: dd 0
line_len: dd 0
file: incbin "input"
nl_str: db "new line!"
[section .bss]
contiguous_broken: resb 16
line: resb 256