2023-12-11 19:14:46 -08:00

42 lines
1.6 KiB

% usase: swipl input.txt 1000000
:- use_module(library(pio)).
:- initialization(main, main).
main([FileName, ExpandFactorArg | _]) :-
input(FileName, Map),
atom_number(ExpandFactorArg, ExpandFactor),
findall(Dist, distance(_, Map, _, ExpandFactor, Dist), Dists),
sum_list(Dists, Sum),
writef('Answer=%t\n', [Sum]).
% Dist is distance along Axis in Map between two row/col A & B (after expansion)
distance(Axis, Map, A-B, ExpandFactor, Dist) :-
true_coords(Axis, Map, ExpandFactor, TrueNs),
member(A-ACount, TrueNs), member(B-BCount, TrueNs), A < B,
Dist is (B - A) * ACount * BCount.
% TrueXs is the list of all coordinates after expanion along Axis in Map
true_coords(x, Map, ExpandFactor, TrueXs) :-
NextX = {ExpandFactor}/[Row, LastX-_, X-Count]>>(
sum_list(Row, Count),
(Count = 0 -> X is LastX + ExpandFactor; X is LastX + 1)),
scanl(NextX, Map, -1-0, Xs), Xs = [_ | TrueXs].
true_coords(y, [FirstRow | Map], ExpandFactor, TrueYs) :-
foldl(add_vectors, Map, FirstRow, CountY),
NextY = {ExpandFactor}/[Count, LastY-_, Y-Count]>>(
Count = 0 -> Y is LastY + ExpandFactor; Y is LastY + 1),
scanl(NextY, CountY, -1-0, Ys), Ys = [_ | TrueYs].
add_vectors([], [], []).
add_vectors([A | V1], [B | V2], [C | V]) :- C is A + B, add_vectors(V1, V2, V).
% Read file into 2D array Map. 1 corresponding to a galaxy and 0 otherwise.
input(FileName, Map) :- phrase_from_file(lines(Map), FileName).
lines([]) --> eos.
lines([Line|Lines]) --> line(Line), lines(Lines).
line([]) --> "\n" ; eos.
line([1|Ls]) --> "#", line(Ls).
line([0|Ls]) --> ".", line(Ls).
eos([], []).