2023-12-10 02:33:41 -08:00

110 lines
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:- table valid/1.
:- table pipe_at/2.
% :- table path/3.
% :- table path/5.
:- table vert/3. :- table horz/3. :- table el/3. :- table jay/3.
:- table seven/3. :- table eff/3. :- table ess/3.
answer(Answer) :-
pipe_at(From, ess),
once(path(From, Via, From)), length(Via, ViaLen),
% once((ess_adjacent(Curr), path(From, Curr, From, 1, ViaLen))),
% writef('%t -> %t\n', [From, Via]),
Answer is (ViaLen + 1) div 2 .
% path(From, Curr, To, Dist, Final) :-
% pipe_at(Curr, CurrPipe),
% writef('%t -> %t (%t)\n', [From, Curr, CurrPipe]),
% CurrG =.. [CurrPipe, Curr, From, Next], CurrG,
% ( Next = To
% -> Final = Dist
% ; NewDist is Dist + 1,
% path(Curr, Next, To, NewDist, Final)
% ).
path(From, [Via], To) :-
pipe_at(Via, ViaPipe),
ViaG =.. [ViaPipe, Via, From, To], ViaG.
path(From, [Via1, Via2 | Vias], To) :-
% writef('%t -> %t\n', [From, To]),
path(From, [Via1], Via2),
path(Via1, [Via2 | Vias], To).
dot(_, _, _) :- fail.
vert(X-Y, X1-Y, X2-Y) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, vert),
( X1 is X+1, X2 is X-1
; X1 is X-1, X2 is X+1),
valid(X1-Y), valid(X2-Y).
horz(X-Y, X-Y1, X-Y2) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, horz),
( Y1 is Y+1, Y2 is Y-1
; Y1 is Y-1, Y2 is Y+1),
valid(X-Y1), valid(X-Y2).
el(X-Y, X1-Y1, X2-Y2) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, el),
( Y1 = Y, X1 is X-1, Y2 is Y+1, X2 = X
; X1 = X, Y1 is Y+1, X2 is X-1, Y2 = Y),
valid(X1-Y1), valid(X2-Y2).
jay(X-Y, X1-Y1, X2-Y2) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, jay),
( Y1 = Y, X1 is X-1, Y2 is Y-1, X2 = X
; X1 = X, Y1 is Y-1, X2 is X-1, Y2 = Y),
valid(X1-Y1), valid(X2-Y2).
seven(X-Y, X1-Y1, X2-Y2) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, seven),
( Y1 = Y, X1 is X+1, Y2 is Y-1, X2 = X
; X1 = X, Y1 is Y-1, X2 is X+1, Y2 = Y),
valid(X1-Y1), valid(X2-Y2).
eff(X-Y, X1-Y1, X2-Y2) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, eff),
( Y1 = Y, X1 is X+1, Y2 is Y+1, X2 = X
; X1 = X, Y1 is Y+1, X2 is X+1, Y2 = Y),
valid(X1-Y1), valid(X2-Y2).
ess(X-Y, X1-Y1, X2-Y2) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, ess),
findall(Coord, ess_adjacent(Coord), [X1-Y1, X2-Y2]).
ess_adjacent(X1-Y1) :-
pipe_at(X-Y, ess),
( X1 is X-1, Y1 = Y, pipe_at(X1-Y1, El), points_down(El)
; X1 = X, Y1 is Y+1, pipe_at(X1-Y1, El), points_left(El)
; X1 is X+1, Y1 = Y, pipe_at(X1-Y1, El), points_up(El)
; X1 = X, Y1 is Y-1, pipe_at(X1-Y1, El), points_right(El)),
points_down(El) :- (El=ess; El=vert; El=seven; El=eff).
points_left(El) :- (El=ess; El=horz; El=jay; El=seven).
points_up(El) :- (El=ess; El=vert; El=el; El=jay).
points_right(El) :- (El=ess; El=horz; El=el; El=eff).
valid(X-Y) :-
input(Map), length(Map, NRows),
Map = [Row0 | _], length(Row0, NCols),
X >= 0, Y >= 0,
X < NRows, Y < NCols.
% Element is at (Row, Column) in the map.
pipe_at(Row-Column, Element) :-
nth0(Row, Map, SubList),
nth0(Column, SubList, Symbol),
symbol_predicate(Symbol, Element).
symbol_predicate("|", vert).
symbol_predicate("-", horz).
symbol_predicate("L", el).
symbol_predicate("J", jay).
symbol_predicate("7", seven).
symbol_predicate("F", eff).
symbol_predicate(".", dot).
symbol_predicate("S", ess).