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6aa76ea842 d22p1 2023-12-23 23:32:09 -08:00
6efe1f874e d21p2 2023-12-22 18:21:40 -08:00
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22/input.txt Normal file

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22/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
:- use_module(library(pio)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- op(700, xfx, [supports, is_way_above]).
:- initialization(main, main).
main([FileName|_]) :-
input(FileName, Bricks),
stack(Bricks, Stacked),
support_listing(Stacked, LookDown, LookUp),
max_member(MaxN-_-_-_, Bricks),
findall(N, (between(0, MaxN, N), can_remove(N, LookDown, LookUp)), Ns),
length(Ns, Answer),
write(Answer), nl.
can_remove(N, LookDown, LookUp) :-
BeingSupporteds = LookUp.get(N),
write("checking: "), write(N), write(" supporting "), write(BeingSupporteds), nl,
maplist(supported_by_more_than_one(LookDown), BeingSupporteds).
supported_by_more_than_one(LookDown, N) :- Sups = LookDown.get(N), Sups > 1.
% StackedBricks is sorted by decreasing top edge
support_listing(StackedBricks, SupportedCount, SupportingMap) :-
( append(_, [Brick1|Belows], StackedBricks),
supported_by(Brick1, Belows, SupportedList),
length(SupportedList, SupportedListLen),
Brick1 = N-_-_-_),
SupportedCount = brick{}.put(SupportedLists),
sort(2, @=<, StackedBricks, StackSortedByBottoms),
( append(_, [Brick2|Aboves], StackSortedByBottoms),
supporting(Brick2, Aboves, SupportingList),
Brick2 = M-_-_-_),
SupportingMap = brick{}.put(SupportingLists).
% Aboves need to be sorted by increasing bot edge
supporting(_Brick, [], []).
supporting(Brick, [Above|_], []) :- Above is_way_above Brick, !.
supporting(Brick, [Above|Aboves], Supportings) :-
supporting(Brick, Aboves, NextSupportings),
( Brick supports Above
-> Above = N-_-_-_, Supportings = [N|NextSupportings]
; Supportings = NextSupportings).
% Belows need to be sorted decreasing by top edge
supported_by(_Brick, [], []).
supported_by(Brick, [Below|_], []) :- Brick is_way_above Below, !.
supported_by(Brick, [Below|Belows], SupportedBy) :-
supported_by(Brick, Belows, NextSupportedBy),
( Below supports Brick
-> Below = N-_-_-_, SupportedBy = [N|NextSupportedBy]
; SupportedBy = NextSupportedBy).
is_way_above(_-_-_-(Z2bot-_), _-_-_-(_-Z1top)) :- Z2bot > Z1top + 1.
supports(Brick1, Brick2) :-
overlap(Brick1, Brick2),
Brick1 = _-_-_-(_-Z1top), Brick2 = _-_-_-(Z2bot-_), Z2bot =:= Z1top + 1.
stack(Bricks, StackedBricks) :-
empty_heap(H0), foldl(stack1, Bricks, H0, Heap),
heap_to_list(Heap, HeapList),
maplist([_-Brick, Brick]>>(true), HeapList, StackedBricks).
stack1(Brick, Heap, NewHeap) :-
( max_of_heap(Heap, OldZtop, OldTop), overlap(Brick, OldTop)
; empty_heap(Heap), OldZtop is 0),
Brick = N-X-Y-(Zbot-Ztop),
NewZbot is OldZtop + 1, NewZtop is NewZbot + (Ztop - Zbot),
add_to_maxheap(Heap, NewZtop, N-X-Y-(NewZbot-NewZtop), NewHeap),
stack1(Brick, Heap, NewHeap) :-
get_from_maxheap(Heap, LastZtop, LastTopBrick, HeapWithoutTop),
stack1(Brick, HeapWithoutTop, NewHeapWithoutTop),
add_to_maxheap(NewHeapWithoutTop, LastZtop, LastTopBrick, NewHeap).
overlap(_-(Xa1-Xa2)-(Ya1-Ya2)-_, _-(Xb1-Xb2)-(Yb1-Yb2)-_) :-
Xa1 =< Xb2, Xa2 >= Xb1, Ya1 =< Yb2, Ya2 >= Yb1.
% input parsing stuff below. Brick indexing is for debugging.
input(FileName, SortedBricks) :-
phrase_from_file(bricks(0, Bricks), FileName),
sort(2, @=<, Bricks, SortedBricks).
bricks(_, []) --> eos, !.
bricks(N, [Line|Lines]) --> {Next is N+1}, brick(N, Line), bricks(Next, Lines).
brick(N, N-(X1-X2)-(Y1-Y2)-(Z1-Z2)) -->
number(X1), ",", number(Y1), ",", number(Z1), "~",
number(X2), ",", number(Y2), ",", number(Z2), "\n".
% maxheap wrapper. PriX = -Pri, which is the Ztop
max_of_heap(H, Pri, Key) :- min_of_heap(H, PriX, Key), Pri is -PriX.
add_to_maxheap(H0, Pri, Key, H) :- PriX is -Pri, add_to_heap(H0, PriX, Key, H).
get_from_maxheap(H0, Pri, Key, H) :- get_from_heap(H0, PriX, Key, H), Pri is -PriX.
% Can probably do 2 maps, one by top edges and one by bottom edges and lookup

22/test.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@