don't look at this commit it's horrible visualization oh but maybe it has a better heuristics

This commit is contained in:
Dory 2023-12-17 17:05:43 -08:00
parent ce7568e5fc
commit c4713f768a
2 changed files with 114 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -2,33 +2,74 @@
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- initialization(main, main).
% :- table cost/3.
% :- table to_key/3.
% :- table to_key/2.
main([FileName|_]) :-
input(FileName, Map),
length(Map, EndXx), EndX is EndXx - 1,
solve(Map, N, Gs, Width, Height),
dict_pairs(Gs, _, GList), transpose_pairs(GList, Gx), max_member(Max-_, Gx),
visualize(Width, Height, Gs, Max, OutMap),
write(N), write(" - "), write(Max), nl.
solve(Map, N, EndGs, Width, Height) :-
length(Map, Height), EndX is Height - 1,
Start1 = 0-0-horz, Start2 = 0-0-vert,
to_key(Start1, K1), to_key(Start2, K2), Costs = cost{}.put(K1, 0).put(K2, 0),
Map = [Row0|_], length(Row0, EndYx), EndY is EndYx - 1,
to_key(Start1, K1), to_key(Start2, K2), Gs = cost{}.put(K1, 0).put(K2, 0),
Map = [Row0|_], length(Row0, Width), EndY is Width - 1,
heur(0-0, EndX-EndY, Heur0),
list_to_heap([Heur0-Start1, Heur0-Start2], Queue),
astar(Map, Costs, Queue, EndX-EndY, N),
write(N), nl.
astar(Map, Gs, Queue, EndX-EndY, N, EndGs).
astar(_Map, Costs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N) :-
from_key(Key, X-Y-Dir) :-
X is Key div 10000,
Y is (Key mod 10000) div 10,
(Key mod 2 =:= 0 -> Dir = horz; Dir = vert).
replace(I, List, E, NewList) :- nth0(I, List, _, R), nth0(I, NewList, E, R).
display(0, " ", _).
display(G, "▗ ", Max) :- 0 < G, G =< (Max div 4).
display(G, "▝▖", Max) :- (Max div 4) < G, G =< 2*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▞▖", Max) :- 2*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 3*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▞▞", Max) :- 3*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 4*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▟▞", Max) :- 4*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 5*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▟▛", Max) :- 5*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 6*(Max div 4).
display(G, "█▛", Max) :- 6*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 7*(Max div 4).
display(G, "██", Max) :- 7*(Max div 4) < G.
put_g(Key-G, OldMap, NewMap) :-
from_key(Key, X-Y-_),
nth0(X, OldMap, OldRow), nth0(Y, OldRow, OldG), NewG is G + OldG,
replace(Y, OldRow, NewG, NewRow),
replace(X, OldMap, NewRow, NewMap).
visualize(Width, Height, Gs, Max, OutMap) :-
length(Row, Width), maplist(=(0), Row),
length(Map, Height), maplist(=(Row), Map),
dict_pairs(Gs, _, GList),
foldl(put_g, GList, Map, GMap),
{Max}/[OldRow, NewRow]>>(
{Max}/[G, Unicode]>>(
display(G, Unicode, Max)), OldRow, NewRow)),
GMap, OutMap).
astar(_Map, Gs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N, Gs) :-
get_from_heap(PQueue, _, X-Y-From, _), X = DestX, Y = DestY,
to_key(DestX-DestY-From, FromKey), N = Costs.FromKey, !.
to_key(DestX-DestY-From, FromKey), N = Gs.FromKey, !.
astar(Map, Gs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N) :-
astar(Map, Gs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N, EndGs) :-
get_from_heap(PQueue, _, X-Y-From, PQueueAfterPop),
to_key(X-Y-From, CurrentKey), CurrentG = Gs.CurrentKey,
findall(To-Cost, next(Map, X-Y-From, To, Cost), Neighbors),
foldl(add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX, DestY),
foldl(add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX-DestY),
Neighbors, PQueueAfterPop-Gs, NewPQueue-NewGs),
astar(Map, NewGs, NewPQueue, DestX-DestY, N).
astar(Map, NewGs, NewPQueue, DestX-DestY, N, EndGs).
add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX, DestY, (X-Y-Dir)-Cost, HeapIn-GsIn, HeapOut-GsOut) :-
add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX-DestY, (X-Y-Dir)-Cost, HeapIn-GsIn, HeapOut-GsOut) :-
NewGCandidate is CurrentG + Cost,
to_key(X-Y-Dir, Key), ExistingG = GsIn.get(Key, 9999999),
( NewGCandidate < ExistingG
@ -44,12 +85,14 @@ to_key(X-Y-horz, Key) :- Key is 0 + Y*10 + X* 10000.
to_key(X-Y-vert, Key) :- Key is 1 + Y*10 + X* 10000.
next(Map, X-Y-horz, NextX-Y-vert, Cost) :-
( NextX is X + 1; NextX is X + 2; NextX is X + 3;
NextX is X - 1; NextX is X - 2; NextX is X - 3),
LowX1 is X - 3, HighX1 is X - 1,
LowX2 is X + 1, HighX2 is X + 3,
(between(LowX1, HighX1, NextX); between(LowX2, HighX2, NextX)),
vert(Map, X-Y, NextX, Cost).
next(Map, X-Y-vert, X-NextY-horz, Cost) :-
( NextY is Y + 1; NextY is Y + 2; NextY is Y + 3;
NextY is Y - 1; NextY is Y - 2; NextY is Y - 3),
LowY1 is Y - 3, HighY1 is Y - 1,
LowY2 is Y + 1, HighY2 is Y + 3,
(between(LowY1, HighY1, NextY); between(LowY2, HighY2, NextY)),
horz(Map, X-Y, NextY, Cost).
vert(Map, X-Y, NextX, Cost) :-
@ -75,7 +118,7 @@ horz(Map, X-Y, NextY, Cost) :-
% Cost = Costs.
heur(X1-Y1, X2-Y2, Dist) :- Dist is sqrt((X1 - X2)**2 + (Y1 - Y2)**2).
heur(X1-Y1, X2-Y2, Dist) :- Dist is abs(X1 - X2) + abs(Y1 - Y2).
cost(Map, X-Y, Cost) :- nth0(X, Map, Row), nth0(Y, Row, Cost).

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@ -2,33 +2,74 @@
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
:- initialization(main, main).
% :- table cost/3.
% :- table to_key/3.
% :- table to_key/2.
main([FileName|_]) :-
input(FileName, Map),
length(Map, EndXx), EndX is EndXx - 1,
solve(Map, N, Gs, Width, Height),
dict_pairs(Gs, _, GList), transpose_pairs(GList, Gx), max_member(Max-_, Gx),
visualize(Width, Height, Gs, Max, OutMap),
write(N), write(" - "), write(Max), nl.
solve(Map, N, EndGs, Width, Height) :-
length(Map, Height), EndX is Height - 1,
Start1 = 0-0-horz, Start2 = 0-0-vert,
to_key(Start1, K1), to_key(Start2, K2), Costs = cost{}.put(K1, 0).put(K2, 0),
Map = [Row0|_], length(Row0, EndYx), EndY is EndYx - 1,
to_key(Start1, K1), to_key(Start2, K2), Gs = cost{}.put(K1, 0).put(K2, 0),
Map = [Row0|_], length(Row0, Width), EndY is Width - 1,
heur(0-0, EndX-EndY, Heur0),
list_to_heap([Heur0-Start1, Heur0-Start2], Queue),
astar(Map, Costs, Queue, EndX-EndY, N),
write(N), nl.
astar(Map, Gs, Queue, EndX-EndY, N, EndGs).
astar(_Map, Costs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N) :-
from_key(Key, X-Y-Dir) :-
X is Key div 10000,
Y is (Key mod 10000) div 10,
(Key mod 2 =:= 0 -> Dir = horz; Dir = vert).
replace(I, List, E, NewList) :- nth0(I, List, _, R), nth0(I, NewList, E, R).
display(0, " ", _).
display(G, "▗ ", Max) :- 0 < G, G =< (Max div 4).
display(G, "▝▖", Max) :- (Max div 4) < G, G =< 2*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▞▖", Max) :- 2*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 3*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▞▞", Max) :- 3*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 4*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▟▞", Max) :- 4*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 5*(Max div 4).
display(G, "▟▛", Max) :- 5*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 6*(Max div 4).
display(G, "█▛", Max) :- 6*(Max div 4) < G, G =< 7*(Max div 4).
display(G, "██", Max) :- 7*(Max div 4) < G.
put_g(Key-G, OldMap, NewMap) :-
from_key(Key, X-Y-_),
nth0(X, OldMap, OldRow), nth0(Y, OldRow, OldG), NewG is G + OldG,
replace(Y, OldRow, NewG, NewRow),
replace(X, OldMap, NewRow, NewMap).
visualize(Width, Height, Gs, Max, OutMap) :-
length(Row, Width), maplist(=(0), Row),
length(Map, Height), maplist(=(Row), Map),
dict_pairs(Gs, _, GList),
foldl(put_g, GList, Map, GMap),
{Max}/[OldRow, NewRow]>>(
{Max}/[G, Unicode]>>(
display(G, Unicode, Max)), OldRow, NewRow)),
GMap, OutMap).
astar(_Map, Gs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N, Gs) :-
get_from_heap(PQueue, _, X-Y-From, _), X = DestX, Y = DestY,
to_key(DestX-DestY-From, FromKey), N = Costs.FromKey, !.
to_key(DestX-DestY-From, FromKey), N = Gs.FromKey, !.
astar(Map, Gs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N) :-
astar(Map, Gs, PQueue, DestX-DestY, N, EndGs) :-
get_from_heap(PQueue, _, X-Y-From, PQueueAfterPop),
to_key(X-Y-From, CurrentKey), CurrentG = Gs.CurrentKey,
findall(To-Cost, next(Map, X-Y-From, To, Cost), Neighbors),
foldl(add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX, DestY),
foldl(add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX-DestY),
Neighbors, PQueueAfterPop-Gs, NewPQueue-NewGs),
astar(Map, NewGs, NewPQueue, DestX-DestY, N).
astar(Map, NewGs, NewPQueue, DestX-DestY, N, EndGs).
add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX, DestY, (X-Y-Dir)-Cost, HeapIn-GsIn, HeapOut-GsOut) :-
add_neighbor(CurrentG, DestX-DestY, (X-Y-Dir)-Cost, HeapIn-GsIn, HeapOut-GsOut) :-
NewGCandidate is CurrentG + Cost,
to_key(X-Y-Dir, Key), ExistingG = GsIn.get(Key, 9999999),
( NewGCandidate < ExistingG
@ -77,7 +118,7 @@ horz(Map, X-Y, NextY, Cost) :-
% Cost = Costs.
heur(X1-Y1, X2-Y2, Dist) :- Dist is sqrt((X1 - X2)**2 + (Y1 - Y2)**2).
heur(X1-Y1, X2-Y2, Dist) :- Dist is abs(X1 - X2) + abs(Y1 - Y2).
cost(Map, X-Y, Cost) :- nth0(X, Map, Row), nth0(Y, Row, Cost).