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2023-12-08 19:10:35 -06:00
:- table direction_loop/1.
:- op(700, xfx, l).
:- op(700, xfx, r).
From l To :- From to To-_.
From r To :- From to _-To.
answer(Answer) :-
maplist([S, S-Off-Stride-Loop]>>(zloop([], S, 0, [], Off, Stride, Loop)),
Starts, Events),
maplist([Node, Node-0-0]>>(true), Starts, StartPositions),
next_zevent(Events, StartPositions, Answer).
next_zevent(AllZEvents, CurrPositions, Index) :-
maplist(index_of, AllZEvents, CurrPositions, Candidates),
writef('curr=%t, cand=%t, idx=%t\n', [CurrPositions, Candidates, Index]),
( same_elements(Candidates)
-> Candidates = [Index-_ | _]
; min_member(_-Z, Candidates),
member(Z-NLoops-SubLoop, CurrPositions),
member(Z-Offset-Stride-Loop, AllZEvents),
next(Z-Offset-Stride-Loop, Z-NLoops-SubLoop, Z-NextNLoops-NextSubLoop),
select(Z-_-_, CurrPositions, Z-NextNLoops-NextSubLoop, NextPositions),
% writef('next=%t, z=%t, idx=%t\n', [NextPositions, Z, Index]),
next_zevent(AllZEvents, NextPositions, Index)
index_of(A-Offset-Stride-Loop, A-NLoops-SubLoop, Index-A) :-
nth0(SubLoop, Loop, LoopPosition-_),
Index is Offset + NLoops*Stride + LoopPosition.
next(A-_-_-Loop, A-NLoops-SubLoop, A-NextNLoops-NextSubLoop) :-
length(Loop, LoopLen),
( SubLoop < LoopLen - 1
-> NextNLoops is NLoops, NextSubLoop is SubLoop + 1
; NextNLoops is NLoops + 1, NextSubLoop is 0).
% Everything above this is not needed to get the input answer
% starts(Starts),
% maplist([S, S-Off-Stride-Loop]>>(zloop([], S, 0, [], Off, Stride, Loop)),
% Starts, Loops).
% then find the LCD of the strides (which are equal to offsets).
zloop(_, _, _, Zs, Offset, Stride, Loop) :-
Zs = [FirstZIndex-Z | _], reverse(Zs, [LastZIndex-Z | ReversedZs]),
DeltaZ is LastZIndex - FirstZIndex, DeltaZ =\= 0,
divmod(DeltaZ, Len, _, 0),
Offset = FirstZIndex, Stride = DeltaZ,
foldl([Idx-Z, NewIdx-Z, Off, Off]>>(NewIdx is Idx - Off),
ReversedZs, ReversedLoop, Offset, _),
reverse(ReversedLoop, Loop),
zloop(Directions, Node, Index, Zs, Offset, Stride, Loop) :-
( is_end(Node)
-> append(Zs, [Index-Node], NewZs)
; NewZs = Zs
next_step(Directions, Move, Remain),
G =.. [Move, Node, To], G,
NewIndex is Index + 1,
zloop(Remain, To, NewIndex, NewZs, Offset, Stride, Loop).
starts(Starts) :- findall(X, X to _, Nodes), include(is_start, Nodes, Starts).
is_start(Node) :- atom_chars(Node, [_, _, a]).
is_end(Node) :- atom_chars(Node, [_, _, z]).
next_step([Move | Remain], Move, Remain).
next_step([], Move, Remain) :- direction_list([Move | Remain]).
direction_list(Dir) :- direction(Str), atom_chars(Str, Dir).
direction_len(Len) :- direction_list(D), length(D, Len).
same_elements([X-_, Y-Z2 | Cdr]) :- X =:= Y, same_elements([Y-Z2 | Cdr]).