import Foundation import SDL enum AddressingMode { case Immediate case ZeroPage case ZeroPage_X case ZeroPage_Y case Absolute case Absolute_X case Absolute_Y case Indirect_X case Indirect_Y case NoneAddressing } struct CPUFlags: OptionSet { var rawValue: UInt8 static let carry = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b00000001) static let zero = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b00000010) static let interruptDisable = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b00000100) static let decimalMode = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b00001000) static let break1 = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b00010000) static let break2 = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b00100000) static let overflow = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b01000000) static let negative = CPUFlags(rawValue: 0b10000000) } let STACK: UInt16 = 0x0100 let STACK_RESET: UInt8 = 0xfd class CPU { var register_a: UInt8 = 0 var register_x: UInt8 = 0 var register_y: UInt8 = 0 var stackPointer: UInt8 = STACK_RESET var status: CPUFlags = [.interruptDisable, .break2] var programCounter: UInt16 = 0 var bus: Bus? func getOpperandAddress(_ mode: AddressingMode) -> UInt16 { switch mode { case .Immediate: return programCounter case .ZeroPage: return UInt16(memRead(programCounter)) case .Absolute: return memReadU16(programCounter) case .ZeroPage_X: let pos = memRead(programCounter) let addr = pos &+ register_x return UInt16(addr) case .ZeroPage_Y: let pos = memRead(programCounter) let addr = pos &+ register_y return UInt16(addr) case .Absolute_X: let base = memReadU16(programCounter) return base &+ UInt16(register_x) case .Absolute_Y: let base = memReadU16(programCounter) return base &+ UInt16(register_y) case .Indirect_X: let base = memRead(programCounter) let ptr = UInt8(base) &+ register_x let lo = memRead(UInt16(ptr)) let hi = memRead(UInt16(ptr &+ 1)) return UInt16(hi) << 8 | UInt16(lo) case .Indirect_Y: let base = memRead(programCounter) let lo = memRead(UInt16(base)) let hi = memRead(UInt16(base &+ 1)) let deref_base = UInt16(hi) << 8 | UInt16(lo) let deref = deref_base &+ UInt16(register_y) return deref case .NoneAddressing: fatalError("mode \(mode) is not implemented") } } func reset() { register_a = 0 register_x = 0 register_y = 0 stackPointer = STACK_RESET status = [.interruptDisable, .break2] programCounter = self.memReadU16(0xFFFC) } func loadAndRun(_ program: [UInt8]) { load(program) reset() run() } func load(_ program: [UInt8]) { //memory[0x0600 ..< (0x0600 + program.count)] = program[0.. (), onComplete: @escaping () -> ()) { let opcodes = OPCODES_MAP _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.00007, repeats: true) { [self] timer in processOpcodes(onCycle: onCycle, opcodes: opcodes, timer: timer) { onComplete() } } } func processOpcodes(onCycle: () -> (), opcodes: [UInt8: OpCode], timer: Timer, onComplete: () -> ()) { onCycle() let code = memRead(programCounter) programCounter += 1 let programCounterState = programCounter guard let opcode = opcodes[code] else {fatalError("OpCode \(code) not recgonized!")} // print(programCounter, opcode.mnemonic) switch code { /// LDA case 0xa9, 0xa5, 0xb5, 0xad, 0xbd, 0xb9, 0xa1, 0xb1: lda(opcode.mode) /// STA case 0x85, 0x95, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x99, 0x81, 0x91: sta(opcode.mode) case 0xd8: status.remove(.decimalMode) case 0x58: status.remove(.interruptDisable) case 0xb8: status.remove(.overflow) case 0x18: clearCarryFlag() case 0x38: setCarryFlag() case 0x78: status.insert(.interruptDisable) case 0xf8: status.insert(.decimalMode) case 0x48: stackPush(register_a) case 0x68: pla() case 0x08: php() case 0x28: plp() case 0x69, 0x65, 0x75, 0x6d, 0x7d, 0x79, 0x61, 0x71: adc(opcode.mode) case 0xe9, 0xe5, 0xf5, 0xed, 0xfd, 0xf9, 0xe1, 0xf1: sbc(opcode.mode) case 0x29, 0x25, 0x35, 0x2d, 0x3d, 0x39, 0x21, 0x31: and(opcode.mode) case 0x49, 0x45, 0x55, 0x4d, 0x5d, 0x59, 0x41, 0x51: eor(opcode.mode) case 0x09, 0x05, 0x15, 0x0d, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x01, 0x11: ora(opcode.mode) case 0x4a: lsrAccumulator() case 0x46, 0x56, 0x4e, 0x5e: _ = lsr(opcode.mode) case 0x0a: aslAccumulator() case 0x06, 0x16, 0x0e, 0x1e: _ = asl(opcode.mode) case 0x2a: rolAccumulator() case 0x26, 0x36, 0x2e, 0x3e: _ = rol(opcode.mode) case 0x6a: rorAccumulator() case 0x66, 0x76, 0x6e, 0x7e: _ = ror(opcode.mode) case 0xe6, 0xf6, 0xee, 0xfe: _ = inc(opcode.mode) case 0xc8: iny() case 0xc6, 0xd6, 0xce, 0xde: _ = dec(opcode.mode) case 0xca: dex() case 0x88: dey() case 0xc9, 0xc5, 0xd5, 0xcd, 0xdd, 0xd9, 0xc1, 0xd1: compare(mode: opcode.mode, compare_with: register_a) case 0xc0, 0xc4, 0xcc: compare(mode: opcode.mode, compare_with: register_y) case 0xe0, 0xe4, 0xec: compare(mode: opcode.mode, compare_with: register_x) case 0x4c: let memAddr = memReadU16(programCounter) programCounter = memAddr case 0x6c: let memAddr = memReadU16(programCounter) //6502 bug mode with with page boundary: // if address $3000 contains $40, $30FF contains $80, and $3100 contains $50, // the result of JMP ($30FF) will be a transfer of control to $4080 rather than $5080 as you intended // i.e. the 6502 took the low byte of the address from $30FF and the high byte from $3000 let indirectRef: UInt16 if memAddr & 0x00ff == 0x00ff { let lo = memRead(memAddr) let hi = memRead(memAddr & 0x00ff) indirectRef = UInt16(hi) << 8 | UInt16(lo) } else { indirectRef = memReadU16(memAddr) } programCounter = indirectRef case 0x20: stackPushU16(programCounter + 2 - 1) let targetAddr = memReadU16(programCounter) programCounter = targetAddr case 0x60: programCounter = stackPopU16() + 1 case 0x40: status.rawValue = stackPop() status.remove(.break1) status.remove(.break2) programCounter = stackPopU16() case 0xd0: branch(!status.contains(.zero)) case 0x70: branch(status.contains(.overflow)) case 0x50: branch(!status.contains(.overflow)) case 0x10: branch(!status.contains(.negative)) case 0x30: branch(status.contains(.negative)) case 0xf0: branch(status.contains(.zero)) case 0xb0: branch(status.contains(.carry)) case 0x90: branch(!status.contains(.carry)) case 0x24, 0x2c: bit(opcode.mode) case 0x86, 0x96, 0x8e: let addr = getOpperandAddress(opcode.mode) memWrite(addr, data: register_x) case 0x84, 0x94, 0x8c: let addr = getOpperandAddress(opcode.mode) memWrite(addr, data: register_y) case 0xa2, 0xa6, 0xb6, 0xae, 0xbe: ldx(opcode.mode) case 0xa0, 0xa4, 0xb4, 0xac, 0xbc: ldy(opcode.mode) case 0xea: return case 0xa8: register_y = register_x updateZeroAndNegativeFlags(register_y) case 0xba: register_x = stackPointer updateZeroAndNegativeFlags(register_x) case 0x8a: register_a = register_x updateZeroAndNegativeFlags(register_a) case 0x9a: stackPointer = register_x case 0x98: register_a = register_y updateZeroAndNegativeFlags(register_a) /// TAX case 0xaa: tax() /// INX case 0xe8: inx() /// BRK case 0x00: timer.invalidate() onComplete() default: fatalError("TODO!") } if programCounterState == programCounter { programCounter += UInt16(opcode.len - 1) } } func updateZeroAndNegativeFlags(_ result: UInt8) { if result == 0 { status.insert(.zero) } else { status.remove(.zero) } if result & 0b1000_0000 != 0 { status.insert(.negative) } else { status.remove(.negative) } } func setRegisterA(_ value: UInt8) { register_a = value updateZeroAndNegativeFlags(register_a) } func setCarryFlag() { status.insert(.carry) } func clearCarryFlag() { status.remove(.carry) } /// note: ignoring decimal mode /// func addToRegisterA(_ data: UInt8) { let shouldCarry = status.contains(.carry) ? 1 : 0 let sum = UInt16(register_a) + UInt16(data) + UInt16(shouldCarry) let carry = sum > 0xff if carry { status.insert(.carry) } else { status.remove(.carry) } let result = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: sum) if (data ^ result) & (result ^ register_a) & 0x80 != 0 { status.insert(.overflow) } else { status.remove(.overflow) } setRegisterA(result) } func stackPop() -> UInt8 { stackPointer = stackPointer &+ 1 return memRead(STACK + UInt16(stackPointer)) } func stackPush(_ data: UInt8) { memWrite(STACK + UInt16(stackPointer), data: data) stackPointer = stackPointer &- 1 } func stackPopU16() -> UInt16 { let lo = UInt16(stackPop()) let hi = UInt16(stackPop()) return hi << 8 | lo } func stackPushU16(_ data: UInt16) { let hi = UInt8(data >> 8) let lo = UInt8(data & 0xff) stackPush(hi) stackPush(lo) } func compare(mode: AddressingMode, compare_with: UInt8) { let addr = getOpperandAddress(mode) let data = memRead(addr) if data <= compare_with { status.insert(.carry) } else { status.remove(.carry) } updateZeroAndNegativeFlags(compare_with &- data) } func branch(_ condition: Bool) { if condition { let addr = memRead(programCounter) let jump: Int8 = Int8(bitPattern: addr) let jump_addr = programCounter &+ 1 &+ UInt16(bitPattern: Int16(jump)) programCounter = jump_addr } } } extension CPU: Memory { func memRead(_ addr: UInt16) -> UInt8 { return bus!.memRead(addr) } func memWrite(_ addr: UInt16, data: UInt8) { bus!.memWrite(addr, data: data) } func memReadU16(_ addr: UInt16) -> UInt16 { return bus!.memReadU16(addr) } func memWriteU16(_ addr: UInt16, data: UInt16) { bus!.memWriteU16(addr, data: data) } } protocol Memory { func memRead(_ addr: UInt16) -> UInt8 func memWrite(_ addr: UInt16, data: UInt8) func memReadU16(_ addr: UInt16) -> UInt16 func memWriteU16(_ addr: UInt16, data: UInt16) } extension Memory { func memReadU16(_ addr: UInt16) -> UInt16 { let lo = UInt16(memRead(addr)) let hi = UInt16(memRead(addr + 1)) return (hi << 8) | lo } func memWriteU16(_ addr: UInt16, data: UInt16) { let hi = UInt8(data >> 8) let lo = UInt8(data & 0xff) self.memWrite(addr, data: lo) self.memWrite(addr + 1, data: hi) } }