class_name PakAssetLoader static var key = "a8Yb5$IpVobR,1Xph!k(#!B9h$V[o[r-I'x.37Q%E;lt2wGgk)hNF_p_!mF?Ds54.*8ErbCK,30".to_utf8_buffer() #loads a file from a .pak file. static func load_file(path: String): var split = path.split(".pak/") var pak = split[0] var filename = split[1] var zip_reader = var err = + ".pak") if err != OK: report_errors(err, pak + ".pak") zip_reader.close() var bytes = zip_reader.read_file(filename) zip_reader.close() if bytes.size() == 0: report_errors(ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, filename) if filename.ends_with(".dat"): var magic = bytes[0]+bytes[1]+bytes[2]+bytes[3] if magic == 0x25 + 0x7C + 0x0A + 0x42: #XOR'ed DDS file unXOR(bytes) magic = bytes[0]+bytes[1]+bytes[2]+bytes[3] if magic == 0x44 + 0x44 + 0x53 + 0x20: #DDS file var header = bytes.slice(0, 0x80) bytes = bytes.slice(0x80) var height = header[0xc] + (header[0xd] * 256) var width = header[0x10] + (header[0x11] * 256) var format = header[0x54]+header[0x55]+header[0x56]+header[0x57] if format == 0: fix_BGRA(bytes) var img = Image.create_from_data(width, height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8, bytes) return ImageTexture.create_from_image(img) elif format == 0x44 + 0x58 + 0x54 + 0x35: var img = Image.create_from_data(width, height, false, Image.FORMAT_DXT5, bytes) return ImageTexture.create_from_image(img) else: report_errors(ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED, filename) return else: report_errors(ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED, filename) return elif filename.ends_with(".ogg"): var magic = bytes[0]+bytes[1]+bytes[2]+bytes[3] if magic == 0x4F + 0x67 + 0x67 + 0x53: var stream = AudioStreamOggVorbis.load_from_buffer(bytes) stream.loop = true stream.loop_offset = get_loop_off(filename) return stream else: report_errors(ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED, filename) elif filename.ends_with(".fld"): return bytes static func fix_BGRA(bytes: PackedByteArray): for i in range(0, bytes.size(), 4): var tmp = bytes[i] bytes[i] = bytes[i+2] bytes[i+2] = tmp static func unXOR(bytes: PackedByteArray): for i in range(bytes.size()): bytes[i] ^= key[i % key.size()] static func get_loop_off(filename: String): match filename: "bgm/0.ogg": return 1.72 "bgm/1.ogg": return 2 static func report_errors(err: int, filepath): # See: var result_hash = { ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: "File: not found", ERR_FILE_BAD_DRIVE: "File: Bad drive error", ERR_FILE_BAD_PATH: "File: Bad path error.", ERR_FILE_NO_PERMISSION: "File: No permission error.", ERR_FILE_ALREADY_IN_USE: "File: Already in use error.", ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN: "File: Can't open error.", ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE: "File: Can't write error.", ERR_FILE_CANT_READ: "File: Can't read error.", ERR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED: "File: Unrecognized error.", ERR_FILE_CORRUPT: "File: Corrupt error.", ERR_FILE_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES: "File: Missing dependencies error.", ERR_FILE_EOF: "File: End of file (EOF) error." } if err in result_hash: print("Error: ", result_hash[err], " ", filepath) else: print("Unknown error with file ", filepath, " error code: ", err)