2023-12-14 15:26:10 -05:00

159 lines
4.3 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use aoc_runner_derive::{aoc, aoc_generator};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
enum Rock {
trait RockConvertable {
fn to_rock(&self) -> Rock;
impl RockConvertable for char {
fn to_rock(&self) -> Rock {
match self {
'O' => Rock::Round,
'#' => Rock::Square,
'.' => Rock::None,
_ => panic!("Invalid rock char")
fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<Vec<Rock>> {
let input: Vec<Vec<Rock>> = input.lines()
.map(|line| {
line.chars().map(|char| {
#[aoc(day14, part1)]
fn part1(input: &Vec<Vec<Rock>>) -> usize {
let mut load: usize = 0;
for j in 0..input[0].len() {
let mut cur_weight = input[0].len() + 1;
for i in 0..input.len() {
match input[i][j] {
Rock::Round => {
cur_weight -= 1;
load += cur_weight;
Rock::Square => {
cur_weight = input[0].len() - i;
Rock::None => continue
#[aoc(day14, part2)]
fn part2(input: &Vec<Vec<Rock>>) -> usize {
let mut seen_at = HashMap::new();
let mut next_y = Vec::<usize>::new();
let mut map = input.to_vec();
// Functions to get a Rock using a rotated coordinate space
let cycle_parts: &[(Box<dyn Fn(&mut Vec<Vec<Rock>>, usize, usize) -> &mut Rock>, _, _); 4] = &[
(Box::new(|map: &mut Vec<Vec<Rock>>, x: usize, y: usize| &mut map[y][x]),
map[0].len(), map.len()),
(Box::new(|map: &mut Vec<Vec<Rock>>, x: usize, y: usize| &mut map[x][y]),
map.len(), map[0].len()),
(Box::new(|map: &mut Vec<Vec<Rock>>, x: usize, y: usize| { let h = map.len(); &mut map[h - 1 - y][x] }),
map[0].len(), map.len()),
(Box::new(|map: &mut Vec<Vec<Rock>>, x: usize, y: usize| { let w = map[0].len(); &mut map[x][w - 1 - y] }),
map.len(), map[0].len()),
let mut cycle = 0;
const END: u32 = 1000000000;
while cycle < END {
// Handle tilts in each direction
for (getter, width, height) in cycle_parts {
next_y.resize(*width, 0);
for y in 0..*height {
for x in 0..*width {
let item = getter(&mut map, x, y);
match *item {
Rock::None => {}
Rock::Square => {
next_y[x] = y + 1;
Rock::Round => {
*item = Rock::None;
*getter(&mut map, x, next_y[x]) = Rock::Round;
next_y[x] += 1;
// More compact representation of the current state, for saving in hashmap
let key = map.iter().enumerate().flat_map(|(y, line)| {
line.iter().enumerate().filter_map(move |(x, &ref rock)| {
if rock == &Rock::Round {
Some((x as u8, y as u8))
} else {
cycle += 1;
if let Some(seen_at_cycle) = seen_at.insert(key, cycle) {
// Current state was identical to one we'd already seen, we can skip forward
let diff = cycle - seen_at_cycle;
let remaining = END - cycle;
let skipped = remaining / diff * diff;
cycle += skipped;
let height = map.len();
map.into_iter().enumerate().flat_map(|(y, line)| line.into_iter().filter_map(move |rock| {
if rock == Rock::Round {
Some(height - y)
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
const EX: &str = r"O....#....
fn part1_example() {
assert_eq!(part1(&parse(EX)), 136);
fn part2_example() {
assert_eq!(part2(&parse(EX)), 64);