dynamic programming

This commit is contained in:
Acvaxoort 2023-12-13 20:43:04 +01:00
parent c41e546be5
commit 1c368042c2
2 changed files with 252 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,16 @@
name = "day12" name = "day12"
version = "0.1.0" version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021" edition = "2021"
default-run = "dp"
# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html
[dependencies] [dependencies]
name = "old"
path= "src/main.rs"
name = "dp"
path= "src/main_dp.rs"

day12/src/main_dp.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::iter;
const PRINT_VALUES: bool = false;
const PRINT_VISUALISATION: bool = false;
// Counts all options by advancing through the spring layout from left to right, splitting at
// possible uncertainities. Groups sequences of uncertain values and uses combinatorics.
fn count_options_dp(layout: &[u8], broken_sequences: &[u32], sum_broken: u32) -> u64 {
// Indexed with [a][b], storing results for computation, last a elements of layout
// and last b elements of broken_sequences
// u64::MAX marks values that will never be used and don't need to be computed
let mut cache: Vec<Vec<u64>> = vec![vec![u64::MAX; broken_sequences.len() + 1]; layout.len() + 1];
// For empty layout and empty broken sequences there's one option
cache[0][0] = 1;
cache[0][1..].iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x = 0);
// Get the result
let result = count_options_with_cache(layout, broken_sequences, sum_broken, &mut cache);
// Visualise
cache[layout.len()][broken_sequences.len()] = result;
println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(layout).unwrap());
for j in 0..broken_sequences.len() + 1 {
let row = cache.iter().map(|row| row[j]).collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("{} {:?}", row.iter().map(
|&x| match x {
0 => '0', u64::MAX => '.', _ => 'X'
}).rev().collect::<String>(), &broken_sequences[broken_sequences.len() - j..]);
cache[layout.len()][broken_sequences.len()] = result;
println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(layout).unwrap());
for j in 0..broken_sequences.len() + 1 {
let row = cache.iter().map(|row| row[j]).collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("{:?} {:?}", row.iter().map(
|&x| x as i64).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &broken_sequences[broken_sequences.len() - j..]);
fn use_or_update<F: Fn(&mut Vec<Vec<u64>>) -> u64>(cache: &mut Vec<Vec<u64>>, idx1: usize, idx2: usize, update_func: F) -> u64 {
if cache[idx1][idx2] == u64::MAX {
cache[idx1][idx2] = update_func(cache);
// Counts all options by advancing through the spring layout from left to right, splitting at
// possible uncertainities. Groups sequences of uncertain values and uses combinatorics.
fn count_options_with_cache(layout: &[u8], broken_sequences: &[u32], sum_broken: u32, cache: &mut Vec<Vec<u64>>) -> u64 {
// Assuming sum_broken must be sum of broken_sequences
// If no more broken need to be placed, the remaining are all unbroken
if sum_broken == 0 {
// If the remaining data contains a surely broken spring, the configuration is impossible
if layout.contains(&b'#') {
return 0;
// The rest are not broken, 1 option
return 1;
// Go ahead in the layout to find place where a split of options is
let mut split_position = 0;
// Skip through all unbroken
while split_position < layout.len() && layout[split_position] == b'.' {
split_position += 1;
// Found no place to fit remaining broken springs, impossible
if layout.len() - split_position < sum_broken as usize + broken_sequences.len() - 1 {
return 0;
// Count amount of uncertain springs (can be zero)
let mut num_uncertain: usize = 0;
while split_position < layout.len() && layout[split_position] == b'?' {
split_position += 1;
num_uncertain += 1;
if split_position == layout.len() || layout[split_position] == b'.' {
// Block of 1 or more uncertain springs followed by a unbroken spring
let mut sum_options = 0;
// Initially try assuming all the question marks will be unbroken
if split_position < layout.len() {
sum_options += use_or_update(
cache, layout.len() - (split_position + 1), broken_sequences.len(),
count_options_with_cache(&layout[split_position + 1..], broken_sequences, sum_broken, cache));
// Taking some number of elements from broken sequences
let mut num_elems_taken = 1;
let mut sum_elems_taken = broken_sequences[0];
while num_elems_taken <= broken_sequences.len() && sum_elems_taken as usize + num_elems_taken - 1 <= num_uncertain {
// If the split was done due to end of input, it's the length, otherwise advance by 1
let corrected_split_position = std::cmp::min(split_position + 1, layout.len());
// Multiplying the combination of elements before with recursive options after
let pre_split_options = count_options_in_uncertain(num_uncertain as u64, sum_elems_taken as u64, num_elems_taken as u64);
let post_split_options = use_or_update(
cache, layout.len() - corrected_split_position, broken_sequences.len() - num_elems_taken,
|cache| count_options_with_cache(
&broken_sequences[num_elems_taken..], sum_broken - sum_elems_taken, cache));
// let post_split_options = count_options_with_cache(
// &layout[corrected_split_position..],
// &broken_sequences[num_elems_taken..], sum_broken - sum_elems_taken);
sum_options += pre_split_options * post_split_options;
// Prepare for the next iteration
if num_elems_taken < broken_sequences.len() {
sum_elems_taken += broken_sequences[num_elems_taken];
num_elems_taken += 1;
return sum_options;
} else {
// Block of 0 or more uncertain springs followed by at least one broken spring
let mut sum_options = 0;
// Count how many known broken elements there are after the uncertain
let mut last_min_length = 0;
while split_position < layout.len() && layout[split_position] == b'#' {
split_position += 1;
last_min_length += 1;
let extended_num_uncertain = num_uncertain + last_min_length;
// Taking some number of elements from broken sequences
let mut last_taken_index = 0;
let mut sum_elems_taken_no_last: u32 = 0;
while last_taken_index < broken_sequences.len() {
// Length of last element that is taken, we need to fit it around the end of the region
let last_length = broken_sequences[last_taken_index];
// Putting the last elem at some offset, subtracted from split_position
let mut last_offset = last_min_length;
while last_offset <= last_length as usize && last_offset <= extended_num_uncertain {
// If sum of taken elements with free spaces (last_taken_index) doesn't fit in the
// uncertainity region
if sum_elems_taken_no_last as usize + last_taken_index > extended_num_uncertain - last_offset {
// Multiplying the combination of elements before with recursive options after
let pre_split_options;
if extended_num_uncertain > last_offset + 1 {
pre_split_options = count_options_in_uncertain(
(extended_num_uncertain - last_offset - 1) as u64, sum_elems_taken_no_last as u64, last_taken_index as u64);
} else {
pre_split_options = 1;
let post_split_options = count_options_consume_sequence_with_cache(
&layout[split_position - last_offset..], &broken_sequences[last_taken_index..],
sum_broken - sum_elems_taken_no_last, cache);
sum_options += pre_split_options * post_split_options;
// Prepare for the next iteration
last_offset += 1;
// Prepare for the next iteration
sum_elems_taken_no_last += broken_sequences[last_taken_index];
last_taken_index += 1;
return sum_options;
fn choose(n: u64, k: u64) -> u64 {
let mut prod = 1;
let mut n_copy = n;
for i in 1..=k {
prod *= n_copy;
n_copy -= 1;
prod /= i;
fn count_options_in_uncertain(length_uncertain: u64, sum_broken: u64, num_broken: u64) -> u64 {
let slots = length_uncertain - sum_broken + 1;
// slots choose num_broken
if slots == 0 || num_broken == 0 {
return 1;
choose(slots, num_broken)
// Helper function for count_options, assuming that a sequence of broken springs starts at
// the beginning of the slice and that sum_broken is sum of broken_sequences and is not 0
fn count_options_consume_sequence_with_cache(layout: &[u8], broken_sequences: &[u32], sum_broken: u32, cache: &mut Vec<Vec<u64>>) -> u64 {
let mut sequence_position = 0usize;
let target_position = sequence_position + broken_sequences[0] as usize;
// If we'd run out of space trying to process this option, impossible
if target_position > layout.len() {
return 0;
// Go through all potentially broken elements
while sequence_position < target_position && layout[sequence_position] != b'.' {
sequence_position += 1;
// If found a surely unbroken element before end of sequence, impossible
if sequence_position < target_position {
return 0;
// If we aren't at the end of sequence
if sequence_position < layout.len() {
// If there's yet another surely broken spring, the sequence would be too long, impossible
if layout[sequence_position] == b'#' {
return 0;
// If there's a following unbroken element, advance through that because count_options
// assumes with each call that we're starting from a fresh potential sequence
sequence_position += 1;
// Call count_options recursively with advanced layout options and consumed one sequence
cache, layout.len() - sequence_position, broken_sequences.len() - 1,
count_options_with_cache(&layout[sequence_position..], &broken_sequences[1..],
sum_broken - broken_sequences[0], cache))
fn main() {
let time_start = Instant::now();
let input_str = read_to_string("input.txt").unwrap();
let time_start_no_io = Instant::now();
let mut sum1 = 0u64;
let mut sum2 = 0u64;
for line in input_str.lines() {
let mut split_whitespace = line.split_whitespace();
let layout_str = split_whitespace.next().unwrap();
let layout = layout_str.bytes().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let layout2 = layout_str.bytes().chain(iter::once(b'?')).cycle().take(layout.len() * 5 + 4).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let numbers = split_whitespace.next().unwrap()
.split(',').map(|str| str.parse::<u32>().unwrap()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let numbers2 = numbers.iter().cycle().take(numbers.len() * 5).copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let sum_numbers = numbers.iter().sum::<u32>();
let sum_numbers2 = sum_numbers * 5;
let options = count_options_dp(&layout, &numbers, sum_numbers) as u64;
sum1 += options;
sum2 += count_options_dp(&layout2, &numbers2, sum_numbers2) as u64;
let elapsed = time_start.elapsed().as_micros();
let elapsed_no_io = time_start_no_io.elapsed().as_micros();
println!("Time: {}us", elapsed);
println!("Time without file i/o: {}us", elapsed_no_io);
println!("Sum1: {}", sum1);
println!("Sum2: {}", sum2);