This commit is contained in:
Acvaxoort 2023-12-23 17:26:15 +01:00
parent 9324bc2ccc
commit 067f31bf4e
4 changed files with 437 additions and 0 deletions

day23/Cargo.lock generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
version = 3
name = "day23"
version = "0.1.0"

day23/Cargo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name = "day23"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at

day23/input.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@

day23/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
use std::cmp;
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Direction {
Left = 0,
Right = 1,
Up = 2,
Down = 3,
const ALL_DIRECTIONS: [Direction; 4] = [Direction::Left, Direction::Right, Direction::Up, Direction::Down];
const OPPOSITE_DIRECTION: [Direction; 4] = [Direction::Right, Direction::Left, Direction::Down, Direction::Up];
const DIRECTION_OFFSET: [(i32, i32); 4] = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)];
// Tries to find the longest path while parsing input on the fly, slow
fn find_longest_walk_naive(layout: &[&[u8]], slopes: bool) -> i32 {
let start_x = layout[0].iter().position(|&c| c == b'.').unwrap() as i32;
find_longest_walk_naive_inner(layout, slopes, (start_x, 0), Direction::Down, HashSet::new())
// Inner recursive function for find_longest_walk_naive, takes a set of already visited junctions
fn find_longest_walk_naive_inner(layout: &[&[u8]], slopes: bool, mut pos: (i32, i32), mut dir: Direction,
mut visited_junctions: HashSet<(i32, i32)>) -> i32 {
let last_row = layout.len() - 1;
let mut steps = 0;
let mut longest_alternative = 0;
let mut options: Vec<((i32, i32), Direction)> = vec![];
loop {
if pos.1 == 0 {
pos.1 += 1;
dir = Direction::Down;
steps += 1;
} else if pos.1 == last_row as i32 {
return cmp::max(steps, longest_alternative);
} else {
if visited_junctions.contains(&pos) {
return longest_alternative;
let mut add_direction_option = |new_dir: Direction| {
let offset = DIRECTION_OFFSET[new_dir as usize];
let new_pos = (pos.0 + offset.0, pos.1 + offset.1);
if layout[new_pos.1 as usize][new_pos.0 as usize] == b'#' {
options.push((new_pos, new_dir));
let mut add_all_options = || {
for new_dir in ALL_DIRECTIONS {
if new_dir == OPPOSITE_DIRECTION[dir as usize] {
if slopes {
match layout[pos.1 as usize][pos.0 as usize] {
b'<' => add_direction_option(Direction::Left),
b'>' => add_direction_option(Direction::Right),
b'^' => add_direction_option(Direction::Up),
b'v' => add_direction_option(Direction::Down),
_ => add_all_options()
} else {
if options.is_empty() {
// Dead end, doesn't happen but i put it for the sake of completeness
return longest_alternative;
if options.len() > 1 {
for (i, &(new_pos, new_dir)) in options.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
let alternative = find_longest_walk_naive_inner(
layout, slopes, new_pos, new_dir, visited_junctions.clone());
longest_alternative = cmp::max(longest_alternative, steps + alternative);
} else {
pos = new_pos;
dir = new_dir;
steps += 1;
// Each element is one node, which is an array of (neighbour index, distance)
type HikingGraph = Vec<Vec<(u32, u32)>>;
// Transforms the input map into a graph of junctions, with edges being distances
// First element is the start and last element is the end
fn get_hiking_graph(layout: &[&[u8]], slopes: bool) -> HikingGraph {
let start_x = layout[0].iter().position(|&c| c == b'.').unwrap() as i32;
let last_row = layout.len() - 1;
let mut options: Vec<((i32, i32), Direction)> = vec![];
let mut junction_node_mapping: HashMap<(i32, i32), u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut graph: HikingGraph = vec![];
let mut edge_finding_stack: Vec<(u32, (i32, i32), Direction)> = vec![];
edge_finding_stack.push((0, (start_x, 1), Direction::Down));
let mut end_node: u32 = 0;
const DIR_SLOPES: [u8; 4] = [b'<', b'>', b'^', b'v'];
loop {
if let Some((id, mut pos, mut dir)) = edge_finding_stack.pop() {
let mut steps = 1;
let mut possible_forward = true;
let mut possible_backward = true;
loop {
if pos.1 == 0 {
pos.1 += 1;
dir = Direction::Down;
steps += 1;
} else if pos.1 == last_row as i32 {
let new_id = graph.len() as u32;
junction_node_mapping.insert(pos, new_id);
if possible_forward {
graph[id as usize].push((new_id, steps));
if possible_backward {
graph.push(vec![(id, steps)]);
} else {
end_node = new_id;
} else {
match junction_node_mapping.get(&pos) {
None => {}
Some(&other_id) => {
if !graph[id as usize].iter().any(|(that_id, _)| *that_id == other_id) {
if possible_forward {
graph[id as usize].push((other_id, steps));
if possible_backward {
graph[other_id as usize].push((id, steps));
let mut add_direction_option = |new_dir: Direction| {
let offset = DIRECTION_OFFSET[new_dir as usize];
let new_pos = (pos.0 + offset.0, pos.1 + offset.1);
if layout[new_pos.1 as usize][new_pos.0 as usize] == b'#' {
options.push((new_pos, new_dir));
let mut add_all_options = || {
for new_dir in ALL_DIRECTIONS {
if new_dir == OPPOSITE_DIRECTION[dir as usize] {
if options.is_empty() {
// Dead end, doesn't happen but i put it for the sake of completeness
if options.len() == 1 {
let &(new_pos, new_dir) = &options[0];
if slopes {
if layout[pos.1 as usize][pos.0 as usize]
== DIR_SLOPES[dir as usize] {
possible_backward = false;
} else if layout[pos.1 as usize][pos.0 as usize]
== DIR_SLOPES[OPPOSITE_DIRECTION[dir as usize] as usize] {
possible_forward = false;
pos = new_pos;
dir = new_dir;
steps += 1;
} else {
let new_id = graph.len() as u32;
junction_node_mapping.insert(pos, new_id);
if possible_forward {
graph[id as usize].push((new_id, steps));
if possible_backward {
graph.push(vec![(id, steps)]);
} else {
for &(new_pos, new_dir) in options.iter() {
edge_finding_stack.push((new_id, new_pos, new_dir));
} else {
// Swaps the end node with the last in array node
let last_node = graph.len() as u32 - 1;
graph.swap(end_node as usize, last_node as usize);
for node in graph.iter_mut() {
if to_node.0 == end_node {
to_node.0 = last_node;
} else if to_node.0 == last_node {
to_node.0 = end_node;
// Finds the longest path in a graph in a general case
fn find_longest_walk_graph(graph: &HikingGraph, node_from: u32, node_to: u32) -> i32 {
let visited = vec![false; graph.len()];
find_longest_walk_graph_inner(graph, node_from, node_to, visited)
// Recursive helper for find_longest_walk_graph, has a set (vec) of visited nodes
fn find_longest_walk_graph_inner(graph: &HikingGraph, mut node_from: u32, node_to: u32,
mut visited: Vec<bool>) -> i32 {
let mut length = 0;
let mut longest_alternative = -1;
loop {
if node_from == node_to {
return cmp::max(length, longest_alternative);
} else {
if visited[node_from as usize] {
return longest_alternative;
let connections = &graph[node_from as usize];
if connections.is_empty() {
// Dead end, doesn't happen but i put it for the sake of completeness
return longest_alternative;
visited[node_from as usize] = true;
let mut connections_iter = connections.iter();
let &(first_node, first_edge) =;
for &(new_node, edge) in connections_iter {
let new_length = length + edge as i32;
let alternative = find_longest_walk_graph_inner(
graph, new_node, node_to, visited.clone());
if alternative != -1 {
longest_alternative = cmp::max(longest_alternative, new_length + alternative);
node_from = first_node;
length += first_edge as i32;
// Finds the longest path with given input by building the graph of junctions and finding
// the longest path
fn find_longest_walk(layout: &[&[u8]], slopes: bool) -> i32 {
let graph = get_hiking_graph(layout, slopes);
find_longest_walk_graph(&graph, 0, graph.len() as u32 - 1)
fn main() {
let time_start = Instant::now();
let input_str = read_to_string("input.txt").unwrap();
let time_start_no_io = Instant::now();
let layout: Vec<&[u8]> = input_str.lines().map(|s| s.as_bytes()).collect();
let result1 = find_longest_walk(&layout, true);
let result2 = find_longest_walk(&layout, false);
let elapsed = time_start.elapsed().as_micros();
let elapsed_no_io = time_start_no_io.elapsed().as_micros();
println!("Time: {}us", elapsed);
println!("Time without file i/o: {}us", elapsed_no_io);
println!("Result1: {}", result1);
println!("Result2: {}", result2);